Thursday, April 2, 2015

School Teacher Proposes Burning Down Pizza Business For Supporting Religious Restoration Act.

Today's report that a Concord, Indiana coach proposed on Twitter that others join her to burn down the "offensive" pizza business is deplorable, however is an indication as to how poor relations between people in this country have become.
We saw the outbreak of emotions in the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Michael Brown incident and other police shootings. We are seeing the explosion of hate when a state passes a benign bill designed to protect religious rights. Its purpose was not to persecute any minority, rather to protect religious people's First Amendment rights to freedom of religion. We also see the near impossible task of discussing the issues of the day with friends, relatives or strangers. When any topic with which either party may disagree, an argument soon follows.

In America today, we no longer can have a discussion, everything is an argument. If you disagree, one side immediately calls the other names, as if that would solve anything. 
This is one of the accomplishments of the Obama Administration whose sole intention is to break America into small groups of warring factions. To break down communication and discussion so that no one listens to anyone anymore. Making  conversations about important topics  impossible. Eliminating  communication and cooperation between all citizens.

Once everyone is fighting, it is easy to push the buttons of one group and send them down the path to confront others.  There are no mediators, only agitators. No peace makers, only troublemakers. 

We see it in the White House. The President purposely does not enforce laws to which he does not agree (although his role in the government is to enforce ALL laws), blatantly creates new laws out of thin air and disregards Congress and the Supreme Court.  What type of leadership is that when The President, House and Senate cannot sit down and come to a compromise?

America used to be the light to the nations, the place where a common man could come with a few dollars in his pocket, raise a family, start a business and not fear the government or other citizens. It no longer is that place. Americans are now afraid to express opinions which are not "in favor" or politically correct. Our President tells the business owner that "you did not build that business" and insists that it was government that provided him everything for him and that he is "privileged" and should pay more than his share in taxes.

The plan is working. It's not about LGBT rights, Gay rights or freedom of religion, it's about control. Control of the American people. We are slowly being pulled apart, segregated by interest group, age group, sexual orientation and religion. Then we are pitted against each other. For what? The benefit of those who want the US to fail. Today they are winning.

We, the people, must realize we are being played. It is imperative that we  take back  the country into which we were born. We must expect better from our leaders. We must demand that America once again become the example to the nations of how disparate people can live and prosper in peace under one flag, speaking one language. Where a growing  economy allows all citizens to prosper and under a government which encourages individualism, entrepreneurship and invention while preserving individual rights and freedoms.

Are you up to the challenge? Will you stop condemning those with whom you disagree? Will you sign up to have discussions rather than arguments. Will you be a builder rather than a destroyer? Will you stand up to the forces who are trying to destroy this country?
It's our challenge, we are ready, are you?

Conservative tom

Concord coach invites Twitter to 'burn down' RFRA-supporting pizzeria

Jess Dooley, a Concord High School golf, softball and basketball coach, was suspended hours after responding to Religious Freedom Restoration Act news story with Tweet about arson.

Posted on April 1, 2015 at 4:31 p.m.
Concord High School coach has been suspended after she tweeted about arson in relation to a Walkerton pizzeria whose owners told the media they agree with the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Jess Dooley, who is the head coach of the girls golf program and also an assistant coach with the softball and girls basketball programs, took to Twitter Wednesday, April 1, to voice her opinion about the RFRA.
She was adding to the conversation about Memories Pizza, a Walkerton restaurant whose owners announced in a television news segment that they would not cater gay weddings.
Her tweet read: “Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?”
The situation started early Wednesday after Crystal O’Connor told ABC 57 that her family’s pizza business would not cater to gay weddings because of their Christian beliefs, according to 95.3 MNC’s website. O’Connor added that her family would not deny service to any customers visiting the restaurant to dine.
Since the story aired — which BuzzFeed and Politico also picked up on — thousands of people from across the country have targeted the business’s Facebook and Yelp pages. The pizzeria’s rating on both sites has plummeted to a single star. The business’s website was also hackedto display gay pornography and graphic language.

Dooley’s Twitter account was deleted quickly, taking the tweet in question with it, but that did not stop hundreds of Twitter users from responding. Many announced they would be contacting the school and asking for her to be disciplined, and others criticized her violent response.
One user pointed the tweet out to the Walkerton Police Department.
The police department conducted an investigation and forwarded the case to the St. Joseph County Prosecutor’s Office for possible charges, according to a statement released to the media.
“The Walkerton Police Department is committed to extending professional police services to all in need, regardless of said person’s sexual, religious, or political views,” according to the release. “We encourage all to follow Indiana Laws and Statutes. We ask that all frustrations and rebuttals with Memories Pizza’s recent media statements remain within the law.”
Concord Community Schools superintendent Wayne Stubbs confirmed that the district is aware of the situation and Dooley has been suspended from her coaching duties pending further investigation.
Dooley also works with Concord as a paraprofessional through theElkhart County Special Education Cooperative. Because the district contracts with the cooperative for support, Stubbs said he could not comment on that part of her employment status. As of 5:30 p.m, a call to ECSEC from The Elkhart Truth was not returned. 

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