Thursday, April 30, 2015

Should Gay Marriage Become The Law Of The Land, Churches That Do Not Accept The Practice Will Be Attacked And Required To Do So Or Lose Their Tax Exempt Status.

church interior
One of the side issues discussed at the Supreme Court yesterday was churches; especially churches that oppose “same-sex” marriage. The lawyer for the Obama Administration may have tipped its hand on that issue and the answer is not good. 
Both The Daily Signal and the National Review report:
Is the Obama administration about to wage war on religious schools?
One of the more startling portions of oral arguments today at the Supreme Court was the willingness of the Obama administration’s Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, to admit that religious schools that affirm marriage as the union of a man and a woman may lose their non-profit tax-exempt status if marriage is redefined.
Religious institutions could be at risk of losing their tax-exempt status due to their beliefs about marriage if the Supreme Court holds that gay couples have a constitutional right to wed, President Obama’s attorney acknowledged to the Supreme Court today. “It’s certainly going to be an issue,” Solicitor General Donald Verrilli replied when Justice Samuel Alito asked if schools that support the traditional definition of marriage would have to be treated like schools that once opposed interracial marriage. “I don’t deny that.”

This just may be the tip of the iceberg for the Obama Administration; given their desire to silence all opposition of those who criticize their radical policies.  The National Review adds additional details:
Alito was continuing a line of questioning started by Chief Justice John Roberts. “Would a religious school that has married housing be required to afford such housing to same­-sex couples?” Roberts had asked. Verrilli tried to defer to the states on that point, but Roberts pressed him about the significance of the court’s ruling as it might pertain to federal law. “There is no federal law now generally banning discrimination based on sexual orientation, and that’s where those issues are going to have to be worked out,” he said.This is exactly what Obama and his liberal cronies want – government control over churches and other aspects of the 1st Amendment.  Socialists cannot tolerate any authority higher than government.  For people who think like Obama, government is essentially “god.”
But, to deny Americans their right to Freedom of Religion in favor of granting these invented “special rights” for people who practice homosexual behavior, is a huge slap in the face to what America has always been.
people praying

The Daily Signal continues the discussion:
This should not be an issue. Citizens and organizations that continue to believe the truth about marriage should not be penalized by the government.
Even if the Court says that all 50 states have to recognize a same-sex relationship as a marriage, there is no reason why the government should coerce or penalize institutions of civil society that simply ask to be free—without penalty—to continue to operate in accordance with the belief that marriage is a union of husband and wife.
Justice Antonin Scalia also brought out a major problem if the Court decides that “same-sex” marriages are guaranteed by the Constitution as The Daily Signal recounts:
Scalia asked about the religious liberty concerns if the Supreme Court creates a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. When the lawyer replied that we hadn’t seen many religious liberty violations in the states that have democratically redefined marriage, Scalia pounced: that’s his point. Here’s how he explained it:
They are laws. They are not constitutional requirements. That was the whole point of my question. If you let the states do it, you can make an exception. … You can’t do that once it is a constitutional proscription.

Scalia repeated himself, almost verbatim, mere minutes later: “That’s my whole my point. If it’s a state law, you can make those exceptions. But if it’s a constitutional requirement, I don’t see how you can.”
Justice Scalia has picked up on the real agenda here – government control of churches and people exercising their faith.  If the court grants a Constitutional right of “same-sex” marriage, it will be all the Obama Administration needs to attack churches and raid their treasuries.
Every socialist regime in history has first had to destroy that nation’s churches one way or another.  It will be no different in America if Obama and his “merry band of communists” rule the day.

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