Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Hamas terrorist. (IDF)

These are the security threats facing Israel and its citizens
 as they celebrate Passover with their families.

Egyptian Border: Quiet on the Southern Front

The Egyptian Sinai has witnessed a revival of terrorist
activities since the beginning of 2010. The wave of violence
reached a peak level last year. The Ansar Bait al-Maqdis 
extremist militant group – which recently pledged allegiance
 to the Islamic State (ISIS) – has been active in the area,
leading many attacks against Egyptian Security Force
outposts spread out across the Sinai Peninsula, killing
many in the process.
This resurgence of terrorist activity has forced the IDF to build
a new security fence on the 200 km border between Israel and
Egypt. The fence has recently been completed and is monitored
 24 hours a day by the IDF’s highly trained personnel. Although
 it seems that the Ansar Bait al-Maqdis organization has chosen
 to focus its efforts on the Egyptian Security Forces, it may prove
inevitable that they will try and attack Israel and the IDF troops
 standing guard on the border like other terrorist organizations
 have done in the past few years.

The Gaza Strip: Rebuilding Terror

IDF forces view an exposed terror tunnel
IDF forces look down an uncovered terror tunnel. (IDF)
Both Hamas
and the Islamic
Jihad, the terrorist
 organizations in
control of the Gaza
Strip, have made
significant efforts in
the past months to
rebuild their military
capabilities destroyed
 by the IDF during Operation Protective Edge. Despite the lack of
 resources in the Gaza Strip, Hamas has allotted a huge amount of its
 funds, manpower and equipment to restoring its weapons arsenal.
The military buildup is particularly shocking when considering the
continuing delays in thereconstruction of the civilian infrastructure of 
the Gaza Strip. This clearly shows that Hamas’ main priority is the 
rehabilitation of its military and terrorist capabilities even at the
expense of civilian needs.
Recruiting and training adolescents has also been one of Hamas’ 
top priorities. According to Hamas, the military training camps
opened by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades has trained more
 than 17,000 adolescents between the ages of 15 and 17. They
 received basic and advanced military training (including the
abduction of IDF soldiers and exiting terror tunnels) as well as
 intense religious indoctrination.
Similarly, senior Hamas officials recently emphasized the need
to open new fronts against Israel in the next round of fighting and
has encouraged the surrounding Arab nations to join the fighting.
Special emphasis was placed on Syria and Lebanon: senior
Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar called on the authorities in
Syria and Lebanon to permit Hamas to set up military units in
the refugee camps. He asked these authorities to do so in order
 to “manage the resistance from northern Palestine and participate
with us in the liberation [of Palestine].”
Furthermore, Hamas spokesmen have stated that during
Operation Protective Edge, terrorists from the organization’s
military wing already launched rockets into northern Israel from
Lebanese territory, and implicitly called for the expansion of this
phenomenon for the next confrontation.

Judea and Samaria: Renewal of Violence

Palestinians riot in Judea and Samaria. (IDF)
Palestinians riot in Judea and Samaria. (IDF)

Since Operation Brother’s Keeper, and the kidnapping and
 murder ofmurder of three Israeli teenagers, Hamas has
 tried to rebuild its infrastructures of terror in the Judea
 and Samaria area. Regular arrests of terrorist cells
planning to kill Israeli civilians have taken place.
As a part of the wave of violence that began last October,
on the morning of November 18 five Israelis were killed
and seven injured when two terrorists carried out a
 massacre during morning prayers at a synagogue
 in Har Nof, Jerusalem.
Also, Palestinians who illegally entered Israel have carried
 out two stabbing attacks in Tel Aviv. On November 9, an
 IDF soldier was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist
in the Tel Aviv Ha-Hagana train station, and on the morning
of January 21, 2015, a Palestinian terrorist injured 12 people
 in a stabbing attack on a bus in Tel Aviv.
Another type of lethal threat that Israel has faced in recent
months is car-ramming attacks that took place in Jerusalem 
and Judea and Samaria. These attacks have been praised
 by Hamas and amongst the Palestinian population on social
Firebombs and stone-hurling have also continued throughout
 the past month. On December 25, a Molotov cocktail was
 thrown at an Israeli vehicle and caused severe burns to an
11 year-old Israeli girl and lightly injured her father.

Syria: The War Next Door

The UN’s peacekeeping force stationed in the Golan Heights on
the Israeli-Syrian border that was taken hostage by the al-Nusra
Front in September 2014 is a recent example of the nearness of
the Syrian Civil War and terrorist organizations to Israeli territory.
The fighting around the town of al-Quneitra has caused the
sporadic errant fire of rockets and explosives towards Israel. The
last time such an attack occurred was on January 27, 2015, when
 two rockets hit Israeli territory. Sporadic fire in this area resulted in
the injury of an IDF soldier in early September 2014. Earlier that
year in June, a 15 year-old Israeli teenager was killed by an
explosion along the border, in which two other individuals were
Additionally, military aircraft have occasionally crossed into
Israeli territory. On September 23, 2014, a Syrian Air Force 
airplane crossed into Israeli territory and was shot down by an
IDF Patriot anti-aircraft missile. Earlier, On August 31, 2014,
an unmanned aerial vehicle attempted to infiltrate Israeli
airspace and was directly targeted by a Patriot anti-aircraft missile.

The Lebanese Border: Hezbollah

Hezbollah terrorists on the march. (IDF)
 is also present in 
the Syrian Golan
 Heights as a part
of its military
involvement meant
 to aid Bashar al-Assad’s
regime in the Syrian
Civil war, Hezbollah’s
stronghold remains southern Lebanon. The terrorist organization has
 repeatedly used its infrastructure located in the area for lethal purposes.
On January 28, two IDF soldiers were killed in a missile attack that
targeted their patrol on the Israeli side of the Lebanese border.
Hezbollah claimed responsibility for this attack.
The attack revealed that despite UN Resolution 1701 – which stipulates
 that no armed forces other than the Lebanese Army should be present
 in southern Lebanon – Hezbollah has maintained its military capabilities
in the area. Additional intelligence has estimated that Hezbollah
 maintains approximately 30,000 fighters, and a stockpile of 170,000
 rockets pointed at Israel. Those rockets can reach any point on
 the map of Israel, and Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s leader, recently
 claimed that “Israel can’t even imagine the size of our arms stockpile.”
As Jews across the world and Israel plan to celebrate the holiday
of Passover, it is important to remember that a number of threats
 still endanger the civilians and soldiers of Israel. Imminent hazards

from the Sinai Peninsula in the south, Judea and Samaria in the east,
and Syria and Lebanon in the north surround Israelis on all sides.
Despite this, the IDF stands ready on all fronts to defend the Israeli
population and Jews worldwide.
By: IDF Blog

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