Monday, April 27, 2015

The US Will Be Conquered By Islam. Most Americans Are So Unaware Of The Threats By Our Enemy And The Complicity Of Our Civilian And Religious Leadership That One Day Shariah Law Will Be The Law Of The Land.

URGENT: Obama’s Pentagon Sent Muslim Imam to Pray at Fallen SEALs’ Funeral… But It Gets Worse

That President Barack Obama refuses to recognize the existence of radical Islam is seen by some as a bid to be more tolerant of other cultures. However, the truth is that Obama cares more about the terrorists than he does about America’s citizens or its brave soldiers.
On August 6, 2011, members of the Afghani Taliban shot down a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter that was carrying 17 SEAL Team 6 members.
Two years later, on May 10, 2013, the military held a funeral for those brave men. In attendance was an imam who had been invited by Obama’s Pentagon.
But it gets worse …
According to Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch, the imam used his time to speak to deliver curses — hidden in Arabic, which no one else at the funeral could speak or understand — at our soldiers.

The curses, shown below in the video from The Right Scoop, being at around the 11:23 mark:
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Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim Brotherhood member who converted to Christianity, translated the Iman’s Arabic prayer and discovered that he had basically said that “these soldiers are ‘going to hell’ and their dead are going to ‘heaven.'”
“Allah have mercy on his soul and house him in the beautiful heaven,” the Imam allegedly said in regard to the one terrorist who died during the incident.
“My personal reaction was that this was a Muslim cleric who was laughing internally at the Christians and any Jews that might have been there — he pulled a fast one, because no one could understand what he was saying,” Klayman told reporters at The Blaze.
In fact, it was such “a fast one” that the liberal mainstream media completely ignored it.
But that’s not really all that surprising, given that both President Barack Obama and his groupies in the mediasold America out a long time ago.

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