Thursday, April 30, 2015

There Is More To The Riots In Baltimore Than Meets The Eye. ISIS Flag Makes It Appearance! Could This Be One Of The Reasons For Rioting?

BREAKING: This Flag Was 

Captured Among Baltimore 


This is just insane; an ISIS flag was caught among Baltimore Rioters.
The Nation of Islam, in concert with
 other savages, has vowed to start 
killing U.S. cops.
This is consistent with jihadist groups and American terror-linked groups like CAIR exploiting division, violence and hate in America. Hamas-CAIR has been agitating using race schism for years — they use the same language as the race-baiters (ie civil rights) and cloak themselves in the same “oppression” (even though Islam is not a race).
We saw ISIS in Ferguson, too. And our enemies in Iran are using Baltimore to attack us. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused the US of tyrannizing its African-American citizens, saying “black people (in the United States) are oppressed, disrespected and humiliated.” This coming from a Muslim leader who kills their gays, rapes and kills their women longing for a free life, and has promised to annihilate the Jews.
Check these similarities by yourself:
ISIS 2014
Valdosta State University 2015

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