Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Unfortunately For The Soldiers Hurt Looking For Bergdahl, Obama Is Not Going To Be Made A Fool By Having Him Convicted As A Deserter, Rather The "President For Life" Will Make Sure The Army Does Not Find Him Guilty.

Her Husband Was Paralyzed Searching for Bergdahl, the Epic Note She Penned Should Leave Obama Red with Shame

Shannon Allen has had to endure a lot because of Bowe Bergdahl. His decision to abandon his post sent her husband into harm’s way as he and others searched for the deserter.
While on patrol Sgt. 1st Class Mark Allen was struck by a sniper bullet. The round penetrated his helmet and hit him in the head, leaving him paralyzed for life.
And his wife (along with others) wanted to give Obama a piece of her mind now that it’s become clear Bergdahl is going to be charged with desertion. They want him to know he didn’t bring home a hero, but a traitor.
In a Facebook note she wrote:
“Meet my husband, injuries directly brought to you by the actions of this traitor. He can’t give an account of what went down, because he can no longer speak. Now, which guy is a ‘hero’ again?!? Sick.”
As the Conservative Tribune writes:
On top of that, a number of former soldiers who came out against the deal, stating that Bergdahl

was a traitor, were lambasted by President Obama and the mainstream media.
Because of one traitor’s actions, we not only lost good men and women, but we let five Taliban commanders go. Now they are out in the world, at least some trying to join up with terrorist organizations, and Bergdahl will probably be going to jail.
This swap also set a dangerous precedent, showing our enemies that we won’t stand up to them.

All in all, this deal only harmed dozens of people, if not more.
The truth is more than just Mark Allen suffered.
Along with Allen are PFC Morris Walker, Staff Sgt. Clayton Bowen, Staff Sgt. Kurt Curtis,
 Lt. Darryn Andrews, PFC Matthew Martinek, Staff Sgt. Michael Murphrey, along their families 
who have suffered.
It makes no sense Obama would do the things he did if he really cared about the U.S. military and those who served in it.
We can only hope Bergdahl is convicted and Obama is made to look the fool he truly is.

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