Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wasserman Schultz Says That Any Baby Before It Is Born, Can Be Aborted! Wonder Why She Did Not Include Babies Born With Birth Defects?

From Louder With Crowder:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz On Abortion. Proving Liberals Are Anti-Science…

When Debbie Wasserman Schultz says that abortion at any point, for any reason should be legal, it shines a light on the fact that liberals are anti-science. No scientist or doctor denies that these babies are viable, that they are lives, that they can feel pain. Nobody. Not one single doctor. Yet liberals want the right to murder them anyway. Merely because it’s an inconvenient life.
“Abortion is the sacrifice at altar of self.”
So if you haven’t been following this back and forth, you may live under a rock.  No offense to people who live under rocks.  I’ve heard good things.  We’ve got the latest interview from Rand Paul last night, and trust us, it’s worth watching. A little back story first. Rand Paul originally said
“You go back and go ask [DNC chair] Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she’s OK with killing a 7-pound baby that’s just not born yet…When you get an answer from Debbie, come back to me.”
“Here’s an answer,” Schultz said. “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul…. “And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ’shushing’ me,”
Ah the shushing.  Because you know, sexism.  Well, looks like Rand Paul wasn’t scared off by Lil’ Debbie, as he answered her challenge on Wolf Blitzer last night. It’s very much worth a listen.
I’m glad to see someone addressing this.  Because what Debbie Wasserman Schultz is saying, is that she supports actions that are directly comparable to Kermit Gosnell… so long as they happen within the womb.

Read more:

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