Thursday, April 30, 2015

Would Obama Like To Emulate Kim Jong-Un? Probably So!

Report: Kim Jong-un's Ruthless

 Rule Gets Uglier

There’s ominous (is there any other kind?) news 
from North Korea. South Korean intelligence has
 reported that Kim Jong-un has executed some 
fifteen of his top officials, including the vice minister 
of forestry. Granted, as satraps of the world’s 
cruelest regime, it’s hard to gin up much sympathy 
for the dead. But, unfortunately, it does indicate 
that the dauphin Kim is every bit as brutal as his 
father and grandfather were. They would be so proud.

The news also underlines the fact that we’re – alas – highly unlikely to see any kind of 
Perestroika, economic or political, under Kim Jong-un’s leadership. There are two reasons
 for this. For one, Kim has evidently taken to quite literally executing officials who lobby for
 reforms. He appears to be fully committed to maintaining his country’s ghastly system as it is.

Secondly, as the perceptive North Korea analyst Andrei Lankov has pointed out, the
incentives facing North Korea’s intelligentsia are aligned in such a way as to discourage
 reform. After all, as soon as the regime lets in even a bit of daylight, it will plant the seeds 
of its own demise. That is to say, if the North Korean people were to find out how they 
lived compared to people in the rest of the world (let alone in South Korea), there’s little 
doubt that Kim and his henchmen would get the Ceausescu treatment. Deservedly.
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