Friday, April 3, 2015

Yelp Joins The Anti-Indiana Law Mob

The following link is to They apparently are against the Indiana law that sparked the Memories Pizza yelp attack.  We are sure that their website is blowing up with angry Americans who believe in  freedom of religion.  Keep it up. blow the darn thing to kingdom come.

We suggest that your comments are kept respectful, thought provoking and intelligent. It is hard to argue with someone who expresses cogent ideas. (Of course, that might not be true for many of those who hate Memories Pizza for no other reason than the have gotten caught up in the "event of the day.")

By the way, Yelp has removed all comments for and against Memories Pizza. Guess their servers couldn't handle the traffic!  So if you posted a comment, as we did, you might consider going back and not letting the haters get the upper hand.  Some of the hateful comments are so out there that they appear to be deranged!

Also, keep supporting all of those who are fighting to make freedom of religion available for everyone.

Conservative Tom

Here is the link:

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