Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Geller In Gun Sights Of ISIS And Her Government Ignores Her

URGENT: Contest Organizer Drops Bombshell About What Obama Did to Her After Texas Terror Attack

Pamela Geller, the woman behind the “Draw Muhammed” contest that led to an attempted terrorist attack this past weekend, has come forward to allege that the federal government has taken no steps to protect her from threats she’s received from Islamic terror groups.
In fact, Geller told Fox News host Sean Hannity, no one from the FBI or Department of Homeland Security has even bothered to contact her since the attack on Saturday.
In an appearance on Hannity’s Fox News show, Geller talked about the Garland, Texas terror attack, in which two known jihadists attempted to gun their way in to the Draw Muhammad contest at the Curtis Cullwell Center.
Both were gunned down, and in the wake of the attempt, the Islamic State group took responsibility and issued a fatwa against Geller.
“Our aim was the khanzeer (pig) Pamela Geller and to show her that we don’t care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter,” the fatwa read.
In the wake of such a statement by one of the most violent terrorist organizations on earth, you would figure that the FBI, DHS and all sorts of federal agencies would have gotten involved, right?
“(The FBI has) not contacted me,” Geller said. “But of course, we’ve now increased my team. I have a team now,private security. And NYPD counterterror has been in touch with me. And so, yes, we’ll all be working together.”
Hannity then asked if Geller had contacted the FBI herself, and she responded that she had.
“And they haven’t — Homeland Security hasn’t gotten ahold of you? The FBI hasn’t gotten ahold of you?” Hannity responded, somewhat incredulously.
“No, and this is interesting, because this is a terrorist threat,” Geller said. “And the FBI — President Obama should provide security. There’s just no question about it. Because he created an environment that raised the stakes on this.”
Geller added that she’s held events like this before and has never been attacked — including one on Sept. 11, 2012, the day the Benghazi embassy was hit (H/T Truth Revolt).
Of course, we know the reason why the FBI won’t treat this as a terrorist threat, which is the same reason why these terrorists with possible Islamic State affiliation felt emboldened to attack in the first place — President Obama refuses to do anything, no matter how sensible it may be, if it might offend the Muslim world.
To our president and his administration, free speech — the cornerstone of the American experiment — is less important than the hurt feelings of extremists and bigots in the Middle East.
Protecting Americans from Islamic terrorists isn’t just an issue of right or left. It’s an issue of right or wrong. Unfortunately for Pamela Geller and the rest of America, the president has it all wrong.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree Obama needs to start addressing the Garland terror attacks.

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