Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Wish

Today is Memorial Day 2015, a day set aside to remember those who served our country in the Armed Services, however, I feel that we must pay special attention to those who died while serving.  It is  to those who paid the ultimate price that I dedicate this message.

These men and women will not see another sunrise or sunset; will not see their children grow up and marry; will never meet their grandchildren; will not vote in the next election; and will not be able to see how their efforts in wars around the world made a difference. However, I doubt they would resent those of us who are able to experience what they are not able to.  They served proudly, they served heroically and I am sure most would do it again.

I ask that you take a minute sometime today and say a prayer for those who died so that we might live. For without their sacrifice, we might not be able to experience the freedoms that we have today.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Conservative Tom

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