Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Minimum Wages And Pay For Other Professions

With California and other states and cities enacting the $15 minimum wage, we wondered what the median pay scale for professions around the country was.  Here is what we found:

The median pay scale of a fireman in the United States is $14 per hour.(

The median pay scale for a paramedic in the United States is $15 per hour.  (

The median pay scale for Registered Nurse is $26 per hour

The median pay scale for a Police Officer is $20 per hour

The median pay scale for a carpenter is $19 per hour

Want to risk your life as a fireman or policeman at $14 or $20 per hour or take fast food orders for $15?  Most times no one is going to be shooting at you! Or get your nursing degree and earn $11 more per hour? Or how about the guy or gal who is saving your life as a paramedic and earning the same as if  he or she was "supersizing" your fry order?

While we agree that it would be great to pay everyone a better income, these fast food jobs are not intended to be lifetime jobs.Rather they are entry level where you learn how to work, show up on time and realize that this is not the type of work you want to do for the rest of your life.

It is time to bring some sanity into the discussion and end all minimum wage laws and let the market set the wages you earn.

Conservative Tom

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