Monday, May 25, 2015

Sanders Is Pro Second Amendment. Is He Hillary's Nemesis Or An Also Ran?

From: Right To  Bear  Blog:

One Presidential Candidate’s Surprising Stance on Guns

36209159_sThe battle to figure out who’s going to secure the Republican nomination has only just started.
However, since Bernie Sanders announced he’s going to run as a Democrat in 2016, things have gotten quite interesting.
People all around the nation have set it upon themselves to learn as much as they can about the independent senator from Vermont.
Make no mistake, he’s pretty far left.
The good news? His progressive policies are what might help pull the rug out from underneath Hillary and help get a Republican in office.
That is if liberals can stomach his stance on guns.
When it comes to the issue of the second amendment, Bernie’s far more similar to his Republican opponents.
This is because Bernie’s a staunch and avid supporter of the second amendment.
No, he didn’t just recently change his mind of the issue, he’s been like this for a number of years.
He’s also one of the few liberals who is against gun control in almost every way. He has voted for some gun control, but isn’t in favor of sweeping gun control measures like most liberals.
Mark Joseph Stern made these observations about how Sander’s treats the issues of gun ownership here in the states.
[But] “his voting record paints the picture of a legislator who is both skeptical of gun control and invested in the interests of gun owners—and manufacturers.
In 1993, then-Rep. Sanders voted againstthe Brady Act, which mandated federal background checks for gun purchasers and restricted felons’ access to firearms. As a senator, Sanders supported bills toallow firearms in checked bags on Amtrak trains and block funding to any foreign aid organization that registered or taxed Americans’ guns.
Sanders is dubious that gun control could help prevent gun violence,telling one interviewer after Sandy Hook that “if you passed the strongest gun control legislation tomorrow, I don’t think it will have a profound effect on the tragedies we have seen.” (He has sinceendorsed some modest gun control measures.)
He even has gone so far as to stand up to the bullying of the anti-gun elite and worked to support laws protecting gun manufacturers.
As Stern notes:
In 2005, a Republican-dominated Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA). This law doesn’t protect gun owners; it protects gun manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers.
The PLCAA was the No. 1 legislative priority of the National Rifle Association for years, because it shields gun makers and dealers from most liability when their firearms are used criminally.
Unfortunately that right there might be the nail in the coffin for Sanders.
Progressives and bleeding heart liberals hate the gun makers as much as they hate the guns.
If Sanders is exposed for supporting the PLCAA it might deter independents from voting for him over Hillary.
But then again Sanders is from left-leaning Vermont.
And in Vermont gun-ownership and is high and gun laws are lax, so maybe there’ll be enough left leaning voters to throw him their support.
Only time will tell.

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