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With Crime Stats Up And Domestic Terrorism On The Rise, Its Time To Lock And Load

Charlie Daniels Doubles Down on Newsmax TV

Friday, 29 May 2015 05:27 PM
By Cathy Burke

Doubling down on his advice to Americans to "lock and load" in defense against jihadi terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, Grammy winning rocker Charlie Daniels charges it's better to be "defensive and ready" than to wait for an unwilling president to act.

In an interview with Newsmax Hard Line host Ed Berliner on Newsmax TV Friday, Daniels warned that America is "faced with a situation that is not going to go away."

"No amount of placating, no amount of whatever bended over backwards, whatever is done, is going to satisfy the people who want to destroy us," he said. "They are here and motivated by forces that are beyond our control. These people want to kill us."

Daniels struck a chord with Americans in a commentary on his website triggered by the terror attack in Garland, Texas, May 3, blasting President Barack Obama and Muslims – and declaring: "Lock and load America, trouble is on the way."

He told Newsmax TV he's holding firm to the admonition, saying, "People that live in my world are not going to stand by and watch their neighborhoods overrun with terrorists and not do anything about it."

"The point I'm making is you don't have to be offensive, but be defensive and ready because this is coming and we have a president who is not willing to dig deep enough to do anything about it and until we get somebody who is, you better be ready to defend yourself," he said.

Daniels said his remarks, however, aren't meant to be taken that people should "go out and start waving a gun around everybody that comes walking down the street."

"Don't go looking for trouble in other words," he said. "If you don't like the way somebody looks, that's not an excuse enough to be offensive about it. In other words, defend. Do not offend, but defend. … What I'm speaking about it is watch your property and your people."
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Daniels blamed Obama for creating a "dangerous time in America."

"I am never ashamed of America, but there are times when I am so disappointed in what our president does or does not do," he said. "In the period of time he's been in office, we have seen such setbacks in American domestic and foreign policy. It's going to take decades to overcome."

"It's a very dangerous time in America for us because he'll take that pen and do everything he can get away with. It's up to Congress to stop him."

The singer also defended an Iraq war veteran who posted photos of himself online wearing a T-shirt with the slogan "F*** Islam" on it and waving the U.S. flag.

"Provocation is not the problem here," he said.

"We're going to provoke these people no matter what unless we all lay down and die or convert to Islam," he said. "There's no other way to make these people happy… I would not disrespect somebody that much, but that's the point I'm making. Be sensible, but if that's what he wants to do, he has a right to do it. Absolutely."

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