Friday, December 18, 2015

Any Thinkinig Person, Anywhere In The World Knows That Obama Is The Worst President Ever. But Don't Worry His Term Will NEVER Expire!


If You Thought Republicans Hated Obama, Look At What The Russians Have To Say About Him

And on the streets of Russia...

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that there is no love lost between Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama. The two leaders demonstrate vastly different — and clearly incompatible — demeanors, as well as disparate approaches to foreign policy, military strategy and thought processes.
And obviously, it’s not just the top guy in Russia who doesn’t much care for Obama. Disdain for the American president is widespread across that country, and its people have great fun at his expense in myriad ways — printing “Obama schmoe” on flyers as well as bumper stickers. The highly derogatory term is closely associated with the Yiddish insult “schmuck.” Some creative Russians even tricked French Senator Yves Pozzo di Borgo into holding a white t-shirt with the slogan across it while he was visiting the country last year.
The American president shouldn’t be surprised by Russians’ publicly expressed dislike for him. According toPew Research Center polling, Obama’s support in the country has been on a drastic decline since 2011, with the Russian public now saying their faith in the U.S. leader hovers steadily between 11 and 15 percent.
The Russian media even keep track of Obama’s great affinity for golf and love to slam him for the amount of time he spends on the course rather than actually governing the U.S. One Russian magazine blasted him for breaking the record for the number of games played throughout a presidency —  noting that he still has a year to go.
“During his presidency, Obama spent more than 1,100 hours on the golf course — or one-and-a-half months without breaks for sleep or food. He played golf 247 times during his presidency, breaking the record of Dwight Eisenhower who did it 210 times.”

While Russian media poke fun at Obama for making faces like “Grumpy Cat” and at Michelle because of her fondness for rap music, they also hit hard when it comes to substantive issues. They show disdain when Obama laughs about who the U.S. is bombing in the Middle East on comedy show appearances such as Jon Stewart’s ‘The Daily Show.’
Another issue of disgust among Russians is the president’s position on climate change and his linkage of the issue to terrorism, seen by many as preposterous. Concluding that Obama cannot be trusted in the war against terrorism, the news agency RIA Novosti stated:
“Obama linked the spread of terrorism to climate change. At the same time, the American president expressed confidence that terrorism will be defeated.”
It seems the Russians and many Americans may have much in common regarding their feelings for Barack Obama, whose poll ratings are currently the lowest of his presidency among U.S. voters fed up with “hope and change.”

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