Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Climate Warming Warning Blown Away With Their Own Facts

New Data Destroys This
Liberal Sacred Cow

  • Dec 22, 2015 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
There's only one thing liberals fear more 
than white Christian males exercising 
their Second Amendment rights: 
global warming. We're told, incessantly,
 that global warming is the greatest 
threat to our national security, that it's 
responsible for ISIS, and that any 
minute now, we're all going to die. So how bad is climate change?
New climate change data compiled by Dr. John Christy, director of

the University of Alabama’s Earth System Science Center, revealed that

the Earth’s atmosphere has warmed by about only three-fourths of a

degree Fahrenheit in the last 37 years.

If this trend continues, it would mean that climate change alarmists

like Al Gore who peddle imminent doomsday scenarios are completely

and utterly full of it.

“That would put the average global temperature change over 100 years

well under the 2.0 C (3.6 degrees F) goal set recently at the climate

change summit in Paris,” Christy explained to Watts Up With That,

a blog ran by former AMS certified television meteorologist Anthony Watts.
This is bad news for liberals, who need the spectre of catastrophic climate change to
 justify their tax and spend agenda to Americans who are skeptical of government's 
ability to accomplish anything after 8 years of Obama. 

 Source: AAN
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