Monday, December 21, 2015

Colion Noir Should Be Elected! He Says It Better Than Anyone I Have Heard!

One Black Man’s Opinions On Gun Control Has Democrats Heads’ Spinning

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 7.28.23 PMLet’s just call a spade a spade.
A Democrat who says they want tighter, more restrictive gun laws because they’ll keep people safer is a categorical liar. Either that or they’re delusional. T
That’s because Democrats for the most part are all about one thing. Getting an upper hand on the people they rule over. That’s what welfare is all about, that’s what Obamacare was, and that’s exactly what their continuos push for gun control is.
Exploitive policy aimed at limiting the freedoms of Americans.
Since the San Bernardino shootings there’s been an ever growing din of voices in the Democrat party asking that we secure even tighter regulations to ensure a shooting like this never happens again.
In this short video Colion Noir exposes why the left’s attempt to institute even more regressive measures on the second amendment isn’t just ill-advised. It will ultimately backfire.
As he says in the video.
These two terrorists abandoned their six month old daughter just so they could slaughter 14 people at a Christmas party.
When there are people in your country who believe their eternal salvation is dependent on how many people they can slaughter before they die? We’re WAAAAAY beyond gun control.
We don’t protect our homes for the sake of protecting our homes, we protect ourselves with guns to protect ourselves living in those homes.
The only way to stop someone from killing you in that moment is to physically stop them from killing you.
These guys passed the background check because we didn’t know they were terrorist until they did terrorist sh!t.
“Common sense gun control laws” are nothing more than a political CON!
Take a look.
Noir is absolutely right when he calls politicians on the left nothing more than con artists.
A brief survey of the most dangerous places in the entire U.S. yield one conclusion. There is no amount of legislation, no amount of gun control, no amount of restrictions, background checks and/or limitations on equipment that’ll prevent people from being evil.
But when the people pushing for gun laws are completely OK with partial term abortions it’s hard to take them seriously when they say they’re all about the value of life.
Does this video make perfect sense to you?
If it does tell us how you feel about it in the comments below.

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