Sunday, December 27, 2015

Could ISIS Be Any Worse

WASHINGTON – ISIS has reportedly approved the harvesting of body parts for organ transplant, adding to the list of the Islamic State’s sanctioned atrocities.
Reuters reported the U.S. government has obtained documents in which Islamic scholars outline the rules for taking body parts and for rape.
The news agency said it had reviewed a January 31, 2015 document that states it is permissible to take organs from a living captive, even if that proves fatal, in order to save a Muslim’s life.
Reuters couldn’t independently confirm the authenticity of the document but U.S. officials said it was among a wealth of data and other information captured by U.S. special forces in a raid in eastern Syria in May.
The news agency posted a U.S. government translation of the document which can be seen here.
The fatwa, or religious ruling, from the Islamic State’s Research and Fatwa Committee states, “The apostate’s life and organs don’t have to be respected and may be taken with impunity.”
Iraq’s ambassador to the United Nations, Mohamed Ali Alhakim, told Reuters the U.N. should look into the possibility ISIS is trafficking in organs to raise cash.
Brett McGurk, President Obama’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, said, as a result of the May raid in Syria, U.S. special forces captured seven terabytes of data in the form of computer hard drives, thumb drives, CDs, DVDs and papers.
These were the first documents from the raid the U.S. government has revealed, other than materials demonstrating the trafficking in antiquities by ISIS.
Reuters also reported, among the group of documents was “Fatwa Number 64″ dated January 29, 2015, which described the ISIS rules for rape, dictating when men can and cannot force sex upon female slaves.
The practice of harvesting organs was justified in the fatwa partly because earlier Islamic scholars had sanctioned cannibalism.
The fatwa said, “A group of Islamic scholars have permitted, if necessary, one to kill the apostate in order to eat his flesh, which is part of benefiting from his body.”
Copyright 2015 WND


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