Sunday, December 27, 2015

Could New Jersey Be Getting On The Gun Rights Band Wagon

Christie-Backed Changes in Gun Rules Get Mixed Reaction

Image: Christie-Backed Changes in Gun Rules Get Mixed Reaction
Friday, 25 Dec 2015 11:28 AM

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie is fighting his image as weak on gun rights as he works to build support in New Hampshire, a key primary state.
This week, the New Jersey governor endorsed the recommendations of a commission he established to examine his state's strict permitting and purchase regulations.
The panel proposed that the attorney general set uniform standards for processing gun applications. It found residents face uneven wait times across the state, sometimes exceeding the statutory limit.
Another recommended change would clarify what constitutes "justifiable need" in applications for concealed carry permits.
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Some New Hampshire gun rights activists say it's a step in the right direction in liberal New Jersey.
But a representative of the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition calls the Christie commission recommendations "nothing burgers."
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