Monday, December 21, 2015

Heroes Fight But For How Long? When Is It Time To Retreat And Re-Group?

Will Allen West Leave the GOP?

  • Dec 20, 2015 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
Conservative hero Allen West is not happy 
about the direction of the GOP, and he's 
sounding off. Will he leave the GOP? No,
I’ve never seen a bigger group of

defeatists in my life. Yes, I was there and recall the countless times I had

to hear, “this is not the fight, the real fight is coming.” I must deliver a

message to the GOP: you’ve shown the American people you have no

fight in you. The consequences of this week’s Omnibus bill will be felt far

into next year, in primary elections and in the general election. There will

be the noise emanating from the progressive socialist left that the

Republican party is being taken over by “right-wing extremists.” That’s just

more Alinsky fear mongering and we’re not listening. The real extremists

are Obama and his minions and we need a group of dedicated patriots

willing to make the stand for this republic.

And I’m very familiar with the GOP establishment and what they’ll do to

someone who threatens them. I know how many fundraisers I attended

on behalf of my colleagues. I know how much money I raised for

candidates who are now members of Congress, and I’m disappointed

with those supported by the Guardian Fund who voted for this Omnibus

bill. However, I won’t be discouraged because my oath is to the Constitution

and the American people. Therefore, I’ll fight harder and recommit myself

even stronger.
Those who are discouraged by this week's omnibus bill should console themselves by 
looking at the collection of political outsiders that are currently dominating the polls, while
 establishment favorite Marco Rubio fails to gain the traction that political professionals 
keep saying he will. The omnibus bill might look bad, but every other indicator suggests 
the grassroots are taking over. As West concludes:
Will I leave the GOP? Nope, I’ll get this fixed, regardless of these behind

-the-scenes folks with money who feel they are in control — message

to y’all, you ain’t!
- See more at:

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