Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hillary Lied In Rape And Assault Cases, Why Would She Not Lie On Emails?


November 27th, 2015
Juanita Broaddrick, who publicly accused former President Bill Clinton of rape, recently came forward and leveled some very strong accusations at Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.
Breitbart reported that Broaddrick called out Hillary for being an evil hypocrite, and for running solely on a platform of women’s issues, in an interview on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio via
“Shame on you, Hillary, that’s disgusting. Shame on you, Hillary. It’s time to be truthful.”
Broaddrick also accused Hillary of being complicit with Bill in covering up many of his misdeeds.
“I think she has always known everything about him. I think they have this evil compact between the two of them that they each know what the other does and overlook it. And go right on. And cover, one for the other.” 
She called out Hillary for her campaign ad a few months ago, which Clinton said that all women should be believed if they accuse a man of sexual assault.
Broaddrick couldn’t believe Hillary said this, especially considering her claims that Hillary wanted Ms. Broaddrick to stay quiet about her encounter with Bill.
“The only thing that I would like to say is I hope that someday these two people, these people that I feel like are so evil, will be brought to justice. You know, if I can help in that, I will. But these are not good people for America.”
She added that the thought of a Hillary presidency is truly terrifying.
“She lies. Just like she did in the Benghazi hearing. She lies. She covers up. Just to imagine her in that position would not be good for America.”
This article and interview should be shown to every single Hillary Clinton supporter who plans to vote for her, just because she’s a woman – or any other idiotic reason.
Do you think that Hillary will get the Democratic nomination – or will she get indicted before then?

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