Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hillary Once Again Against Something That She Was In Favor Of

hillary against illegals

Hillary Fans Forget She Wanted to Do This to Illegals Long Before Trump Did

Liberal politicians, and in particular Hillary Clinton, love to go wherever the political winds blow them. They adjust their views on the issues according to what seems popular at the moment.
Gay marriage: She was against it before she was for it…
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): She was for it before she was against it…
Now Hillary is on record as being on the side of illegal immigrants when just a few short years ago, she had the complete opposite view of the topic.
As the media, Hillary fans, and even Hillary herself scold Trump for allegedly suggesting that he wants to keep track of illegal aliens who are in this country, everyone on the left seems to conveniently forget that there is such a thing as video. And it doesn’t go away just because you’ve “evolved” on an issue.
Back in 2007, Hillary held a town hall meeting and offered a “solution” to the matter of handling how we can keep up with illegals who are crossing the border. And it sounds a whole lot like the idea that Trump is being attacked for.
On the video she says that,
“Some of those hijackers who flew those planes into the World Trade Center, they came here legally and they overstayed so they were here illegally and we didn’t have a clue.
I want to know who’s in this country. I want to keep track of them. Bring them out of the shadows.
If they ever committed a crime, either in the country they came from or in this country, deport them immediately no questions asked.
If they’ve been here and been lawful, then I think they’ve got to pay fines, they’ve got to pay back taxes, they’ve got to try to learn English … and they have to stay out of trouble, and keep working, and be law-abiding, and maybe in 10 or 15 years they can get legalization.”
Here is the video of that town hall meeting:
Here is another interview that Hillary did years earlier in which she told John Gambling that she was “adamantly against illegal immigrants.”

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