Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Obama Is Called What He Is.


December 4th, 2015
Barack Obama recently said at the climate summit in Paris how mass shootings only happen in the United States – just two weeks after the Paris massacre where over 130 people were killed by Muslim terrorists. Some French reporters were bewildered and outraged at Obama’s glaringly ignorant commentary, where he appears to deny (or ignore) the Paris attacks and attack gun rights in America.
While the American lapdog media didn’t report this obvious mistake, French media on hand recognized it right away. And they weren’t too happy about these remarks.
Here’s the report from
“It is said that following what was at times a painfully slow, slouching, and seemingly disinterested performance by President Obama, some among the French media were heard repeatedly using the words, ‘Connard!’ and ‘Trouduc!’ to describe their feelings regarding Mr. Obama’s bizarre commentary – [words] rather specific to a certain part of the human anatomy.” 
When we run the French-to-English translation of these words, they aren’t used in polite conversation. We’ll give you the edited, PG-13 versions. Connard means “mother-f***er,” and trouduc translates to “a**hole.”
The DCWhispers article states that some reporters said: “He is an a**hole! He is an a**hole!”
It’s obvious that Obama is nothing more than an empty suit, parroting and promoting the liberal agenda. Unfortunately, reporters in the US mainstream media are his willing accomplices towards this sinister goal. It appears that Obama has mentally “checked out” before the end of his second term, and/or he’s some kind of drugs.
Do you think the Teleprompter Reader-in-Chief is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or just doesn’t care anymore about his public image?
Give us your take in the comments section below.

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