Monday, December 14, 2015

Obama's Buddy Released From GITMO Becomes Al-Qaeda Leader

BREAKING: One of Obama’s Gitmo Prisoners Has a TERRIFYING New Job… Watch Out, America


The Obama administration has repeatedly stated there’s no danger in going through with the president’s suicidal campaign pledge to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay over Republican objections.
Now, however, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has made a mockery of this promise yet again, releasing a video showing a released Gitmo prisoner and claiming him as one of the group’s leaders.
According to The Long War Journal, Ibrahim Qosi — also known as Sheikh Khubayb al Sudani — has been an AQAP leader since 2014. That’s only two years from when he was released from detention and transferred to the Sudan.

The video, titled “Guardians of Sharia,” showed Qosi and other AQAP jihadists discussing their acts of terrorism “at length.”
Qosi was quoted as saying that Islamic scholars ensure the  “correctness” of the “jihadist project.” He also praised the campaign against America by “individual jihad.”
Detained in December of 2001 after his capture fleeing the Battle of Tora Bora, Qosi pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy and material support for terrorism in July of 2010. He was released two years later by the Obama administration.

But, who could have known he would go back to jihad? Well, for a start, how about U.S. intelligence? A Nov. 15, 2007, U.S. intelligence report described Qosi as a “high” risk detainee.
“Detainee is an admitted veteran jihadist with combat experience beginning in 1990 and it is assessed he would engage in hostilities against U.S. forces, if released,” the report read.
Qosi began his career as a jihadi in Afghanistan before following Osama bin Laden to Sudan. Qosi had a close relationship with bin Laden — another massive red flag — and was an accountant and treasurer for many of the front companies bin Laden used to funnel money to his terrorist enterprises.
After attempting to arrange the assassination of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in 1995, Qosi moved on to Chechnya before following bin Laden to Afghanistan to aid the Taliban.

“From 1998 to 2001,” the intelligence report said, Qosi “traveled back and forth between the front lines near Kabul and Kandahar to help with the fight against the Northern Alliance.”
In 2003, while in detention, Qosi was asked why he was loyal to bin Laden. He responded that it was his “religious duty to defend Islam and fulfill the obligation of jihad and that the war between America and al Qaeda is a war between Islam and aggression of the infidels.”
Check out the video here:

That this man was even considered for release just shows how incompetently the Obama administration is handling the Gitmo closure. The blood of all of the deaths this man is responsible for is on the hands of our president and his enablers.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you agree this man should never have been released from Gitmo.

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