Tuesday, December 22, 2015

State No Longer Accepts Concealed Handgun Permits From Other States. Isn't That Illegal? Aren't States Supposed To Accept Laws From Other States?

This State Declares War
 on the Second Amendment

  • Dec 22, 2015 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
Virginia is governed by former Clinton 
apparatchik Terry McCauliffe, a limousine
 liberal of the worst variety. This past 
fall, Michael Bloomberg and McCaullife 
got behind a two million dollar effort to 
strip Virginia citizens of their right to
 self defense. After failing at the
ballot box, the Governor decided to just act unilaterally.
Attorney General Mark R. Herring (D) announced Tuesday that

Virginia will no longer recognize concealed carry handgun

permits from 25 states that have reciprocity agreements

with the commonwealth.

Under the policy, Virginians with a history of stalking,
drug dealing or inpatient mental-health treatment cannot

obtain a permit in a state with comparatively lax laws and

carry a handgun legally at home.

Herring said severing the out-of-state agreements can

prevent people who may be dangerous or irresponsible

from carrying a concealed handgun.

“While you are here, you are subject to the commonwealth’s

gun laws,” Herring said in a news conference. The

change means Virginia’s standards for obtaining a

concealed weapon are applied “evenly, consistently

and fairly,” he said.

The move is part of a broader effort by gun control

advocates to tighten restrictions without going

through GOP-controlled legislatures.
This is outrageous, but it serves as a preview of what life will 
be like for gun owners under Hillary Clinton. Voters should take notice.
 Source: AAN
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/this-state-

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