Sunday, December 27, 2015

Taiban Interested In American Life And Obama Being Gay

Bergdahl: Taliban Captors Asked Me Often About Life in America

Image: Bergdahl: Taliban Captors Asked Me Often About Life in America
By Sandy Fitzgerald   |   Friday, 25 Dec 2015 12:07 PM

Bowe Bergdahl's Taliban captors often got bored while they were guarding him, and would ask him questions about the life in the United States to pass the time, the podcast "Serial" reveals, according to he New York Post.

He also told the program that the guards would shave his beard into shapes they thought were amusing to pass the time, and had many questions about where people on U.S. military bases got hold of prostitutes, alcohol, and drugs.
In addition to being curious about everyday American life, the guards had a fascination with American soft drinks, particularly Mountain Dew, Bergdahl told the podcast.

Bergdahl told filmmaker Mark Boal in an interview shared with "Serial' that his first escape attempt came soon after he was captured in Afghanistan, but he was free for only 15 minutes before he was captured and taken back to his cell, where he was beaten with a rubber hose.

After that, he was moved to what he believes was Pakistan, where "they put me on an Afghan bed and they chained my feet to the ends of the bed and chained my hands to the tops of the bed so that basically I was spread-eagle on the bed and blindfolded. And that’s how I spent the majority of the next three months."

He said he was allowed to use the bathroom only twice daily and he only got showers once a month, and eventually developed bedsores and chronic diarrhea.
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Bergdahl was eventually moved to a fortress and put in a cell with a window, and once again escaped by making a rope from bedding and the chains from his hands and feet, but was captured after falling off a cliff and injuring himself. He did see signs of Americans while remained hiding out for about eight days.

"I’d seen like six drones moving across the sky," he said in the interview. "It’s not a nice feeling you’re so close but things are so stacked against you, you can’t do anything but keep going." He was so frail when the Taliban found him that instead of beating him, his captors ripped out parts of his hair and beard.

“It was like OK if I’m going to die, either from exposure out there or being shot while I escape, it’s better than having my head cut off because I saw enough of those movies or videos to know what that would be like,” Bergdahl said.

Bergdahl also said his captors inquired about the president's sexual orientation.
"They ask you, is Obama gay and sleeps with men," Bergdahl says in the podcast.

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