Sunday, December 13, 2015

Victim Status -- A Way Of Life For Many Black Americans

By Paul Bremmer
The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the civil rights nonprofit BOND, is not surprised when he hears yet another alleged incident of racism against blacks turns out to be a hoax.
“You’ve got to realize that for the last 60 years black people – not all but most – have used racism to intimidate white folks,” Peterson said. “They’ve gained so much material wealth from it, jobs, they’ve gotten into white universities based on color, not ability. And so they’ve gained a lot, and they can’t let this idea that racism exists go away.”
The recent black graduate of Kean University allegedly threatened black students at her school using the Twitter handle @keanuagainstblk. She explained her fictional group this way: “kean university twitter against blacks is for everyone who hates blacks [sic] people.”
McKelvey went on to post a number of threats on the account, such as “I will kill every black male and female at kean university,” “@KeanUniversity theres [sic] a bomb on your campus” and “tell every black person that you know they will die if they go to #Keanuniversity.”
McKelvey, who was previously the president of the school’s Pan African Student Union, was participating in a student rally to raise awareness of campus racism when she left midway through to tweet out her fake threats from a campus library computer. She then returned to the rally and alerted other students of the “threats” against their campus.
McKelvey is now scheduled to appear in court Dec. 14.
Peterson, a WND columnist and author of the new book “The Antidote,” believes a larger societal redistribution is the endgame of black people who accuse whites of racism.
“Power and wealth – that’s all it’s about,” Peterson declared. “Taking it away from the whites and giving it to the blacks. White fear drives these blacks to commit these false accusations of racism. Racism has always been and it still is a fake illusion; it’s not there.”
Unlike Peterson, Ben Kinchlow, a minister, broadcaster, businessman and WND columnist, believes real racism did exist in America once, but is not present today.
“The actual, factual truth of the matter is that racism, true racism, does not exist in America today, and you can almost challenge someone with a cash bonus if they could find evidence of actual bona fide, certified racism at work in the United States today,” Kinchlow told WND.
“[Modern black activists] don’t know what it is, and so they stir up things based on something they think or read or felt.”
Kinchlow, author of several books including “Black Yellowdogs,” fought against true racism in the 1960s as a revolutionary nicknamed “Malcolm Z” in the Black Liberation Front. He said today’s perceived “racism” pales in comparison to the segregated facilities he had to deal with as a young man.
“Back in the day, we had genuine, bona fide, certified racism,” Kinchlow recalled. “It was legal. It was the law of the land, and there were certain things you could not do simply because you were black, not things that people would intimate or hint or somehow feel that you couldn’t do, but these were certified things that you could not do.”
McKelvey was not the only black student to create a racial hoax recently. Late last month, police arrested Emmanuel Bowden, a 21-year-old black student at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan, after he threatened black students at his school. Bowden made this anonymous post on the social media platform Yik Yak: “I’m going to shoot every black person I can on campus. Starting tomorrow morning.”
When university police tracked down and arrested Bowden, he told the officers the post was a joke. Nevertheless, he was charged with making a false report or threat of terrorism, which can carry a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.
At the University of Missouri, black Student Body President Payton Head had to apologize after he alerted students of a KKK sighting on campus that never happened.
It’s not just college students who pull these pranks, either. In June, police arrested 44-year-old Vincent Broughton, a black Colorado Springs man, after he posted racist signs outside a predominantly black church. One sign mentioned the KKK, while another read, “Black men beware, you are the target.” Broughton was charged with committing a bias-motivated crime and disorderly conduct.
Some black people have gone beyond mere threats to actually commit what looks like racial violence against their fellow blacks. In October, 35-year-old David Lopez Jackson was charged with setting two fires at churches in black communities around St. Louis. Activists on Twitter and at some left-wing outlets assumed the cases of arson were racially motivated, but Jackson is a black man.
Kinchlow said black people hurt their own cause when they commit false acts of racism.
“Anytime people find out that they have been misled or the fact that they have been stirred up by a lie, then it’s very difficult for them to come back and feel real compassion about a matter that has been forced upon them as a lie,” Kinchlow warned.
Peterson said people should be skeptical when they hear stories about racially motivated acts. He believes blacks are held back by their own anger, not by white racism.
“The race relations are bad, not because of racism, but because of anger, and in that fallen state of anger blacks have allowed themselves to be used by the alchemists,” said Peterson, invoking a term he uses in “The Antidote.” “Alchemists are the race hustlers, and white people have been afraid to stand up, so that’s what’s hurting race relations.”
The so-called “alchemists” – black leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson – make their living by convincing blacks racism is everywhere, according to Peterson.
“They’ve got to keep this hostility, this lie going, because if white people ever wake up and realize that racism doesn’t exist, these people go out of business,” Peterson said.

Copyright 2015 WND


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