Wednesday, December 23, 2015

We Should Keep Terrorists From Buying Guns, However, The "Do Not Fly" List Is Full Of Holes.Estimates There Are UP To 700,000 On The List

From Right To Bear Blog:

Gun Sales to These Americans Officially BANNED!

Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 6.12.51 PMWhile it has yet to become effective at the federal level, the dissolving of our dearly held second amendment rights is well underway in the state of Connecticut.
They’ve just created new legislation prohibiting anyone on the “Do Not Fly List” from purchasing a gun.
Doesn’t matter how you got on there, if you’re on it then you can’t defend yourself with a firearm.
The New York Times writes:
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy of Connecticut announced on Thursday that he intended to sign an executive order barring people on federal terrorism watch lists from buying firearms in the state.
“Like all Americans, I have been horrified by the recent terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Paris,” Mr. Malloy, a Democrat, told reporters. “This should be a wake-up call to all of us. This is a moment to seize in America, and today I’m here to say that we in Connecticut are seizing it.”
With his decision, Mr. Malloy has stepped into a fiery debate that has stretched from the Oval Office to the contest to become its next occupant: Should being a terrorism suspect prohibit a person from buying firearms? At the moment, it does not.
These are dark times ahead of us.
The way the current “Do Not Fly List” assignments work are completely broken or twisted.
If a person sent you an email outlining plans on how to build a bomb and get it on a plane as part of a research project investigating the operations of terrorism you could end up on the list.
If you’re facebook friends with someone who’s on the list it’s conceivable you end up on the list.
There are a myriad of ways to end up on the list and at no time is due process afforded you, meaning your second amendment rights are violated because the government first violated your fourth.
This is madness and it has to stop.
What do you think can be done to reverse these dangerous policies? Please explain below.

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