Monday, December 21, 2015

We Will Read More Stories Like This In Future Days

terror attack

What a Sword-Wielding Muslim Did to 

His Neighbor is Crazy and Appalling

In San Bernardino, a Muslim man was arrested after brandishing a sword and
 going after one of his neighbors with it. As Mohamed Ahmed Elrawi attacked, 
he was heard screaming, “I die and kill for Allah!”
Witness Mark Tashamneh, 50, told the newspaper Elrawi was threatening

neighbors earlier in the evening prior to his arrest. The suspect accused

Tashamneh of calling the cops and allegedly said he would kill him after

getting out of jail.
“I’m a Christian, I’m happy,” said Tashamneh. “I believe what I believe.

I am not against what he believes, but he apparently has a problem with

me and came and threatened me.”
Another neighbor, 25-year-old Yolanda Goring, corroborated Tashamneh’s story.
“My kids were sleeping when I heard a lot of noise,” Gorning told the newspaper.

“I went outside and saw that [Elrawi] had a big sword that he was swinging back a

nd forth. I went back inside but I could still hear yelling and arguing and I

heard [Elrawi] telling someone that he was going to kill him.”
A Quran and other items were found inside Elrawi’s apartment that led
 authorities to believe that he may have been radicalized.
The report did not mention whether Elrawi had attended the same mosque as 
the two Muslim terrorists who murdered fourteen people and wounded 21 at the 
nearby Inland Regional Center recently.

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