Sunday, December 13, 2015

Will ObamaCrapCare Destroy The Democratic Party And Its 2016 Candidate?

Hillary is Sitting on This Ticking
Time Bomb

  • Dec 13, 2015 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
The biggest threat to Hillary Clinton’s presidential 
campaign isn’t her eventual Republican opponent.

It isn’t even her legal woes.

It’s the man she hopes to replace.

Obamacare is a ticking time bomb, and it appears
 the system could go into total financial collapse
 right before the 2016 election.

The Washington Examiner reports:
Once the general election comes around, Obamacare threatens to be a drag

on Clinton. Though Democrats keep waiting for that day when calling for the

repeal of Obamacare is a political liability, that day has not yet come. And as

problems with the program grow, and the law begins to look more vulnerable,

Obamacare will play into the hands of Republicans just as it did in 2010 and


... Especially troubling for Clinton is that it will be the middle of 2016 when

insurers will have to begin making decisions about the 2017 policy year.

If current trends continue, the news will be dominated by stories of insurers

hiking premiums, cutting choices of doctors and perhaps exiting the health

exchanges altogether. Suddenly, Clinton's promise to "build on" Obamacare

will become a major liability.
 Source: AAN
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