Tuesday, December 29, 2015

You Would Think Journalists Would Be Smarter Than They Are Yet They Ignore The Obvious For PC Reasons

Islamic Terrorists Are #1 Killer of Journalists Worldwide

Islamic militants hailing from groups such as Al Qaeda and the self-described Islamic State killed 28 journalists in 2015, according to a report released Tuesday by the Committee to Protect Journalists. That tally represents 40 percent of the total 69 journalists killed worldwide this past year.
CPJ Editorial Director Elana Beiser, who authored the report, wrote that the press advocacy organization is still investigating at least 24 additional killings and acknowledged the difficulty of confirming reports from Libya, Yemen and Iraq. Earlier this year, CPJ visited Iraq to investigate reports of as many as 35 journalists who were "missing, dead or held captive" in Mosul, an Iraqi city controlled by militants from the Islamic State, or ISIS.
What made this story somewhat noteworthy is that it appeared in The Huffington Post. They still can't embrace the word "terrorists" though, and use "militants" instead. That makes the bad guys sound a bit more plucky, and like they may have some legitimate grievances.
Journalists have gotten so used to running interference for radical Islam that they can't even stop when their own are being slaughtered. Then again, this sadly may be the only reason that any honesty whatsoever is brought to reporting about terrorism.

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