Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Believe This Prediction?


January 12th, 2016
A prominent economist from the Reagan Administration predicts that the GOP will win the White House in a landslide this November.
Arthur Laffer was interviewed by a New York radio station and had a very positive outcome for this year’s election, as reported by The Federalist Papers Project:
“I would be surprised if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states out of the 50.
“When I look at these candidates, I don’t see one of them who wouldn’t do a great job as president. I think Donald Trump is phenomenal, I think Rand Paul has done a great job, I even like Jeb Bush – I think Jeb Bush is great, he did a wonderful job in Florida. Chris Christie – phenomenal.”
Laffer also said that Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s “day is over.”
“She would be defeated handily. I don’t think Hillary’s going to win this election no matter whom she runs against. I mean, Hillary’s day is over.
“I think she’s a very impressive person, she’s very articulate, very well educated, got a great resume and all of that, but her policies are not good. And it’s about issues, not about people, and her day has gone.”
It’s encouraging to hear such an optimistic prediction. However, given the current demographics of America, Laffer may be too optimistic in his assessment.
Do you agree with Art Laffer’s prediction on the 2016 election or are you a little less optimistic?
Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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