Friday, January 8, 2016

Hillary's Fate Is Sealed. Now Obama's Justice Department Will Go After Her!

BREAKING: Clinton E-Mail
 Bombshell- Nail in the Coffin?

  • Jan 8, 2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
As HotAir notes, a story emerged today that 
could be a potential bombshell in the 
investigation into Democratic frontrunner 
Hillary Clinton. A direct order from Hillary to
 send a classified email via unsecured channels:

Has the State Department released

a smoking gun in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal? In a thread from

June 2011, Hillary exchanges e-mails with Jake Sullivan, then her deputy

chief of staff and now her campaign foreign-policy adviser, in which she

impatiently waits for a set of talking points. When Sullivan tells her that

the source is having trouble with the secure fax, Hillary then orders

Sullivan to have the data stripped of its markings and sent through a

non-secure channel.

That should be game, set, and match, yes?

“If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send

nonsecure.” That’s an order to violate the laws handling classified

material. There is no other way to read that demand. Regardless of

whether or not Sullivan complied, this demolishes Hillary’s claim to be

ignorant of marking issues, as well as strongly suggests that the

other thousand-plus instances where this did occur likely came

under her direction.
How bad is this? At Townhall, Guy Benson notes:
Where to begin?  Let's start with the least serious revelation, and work

our way up:  (1) Hillary evinced surprise that a State Department

underling had used his personal account to send an official email. 

How rich.  Yes, the State Department had explicitly instructed

employees to follow the rules and only use secure means to

disseminate official information.  State sanctioned at least one

top diplomat for disregarding those rules.  Mrs. Clinton may have

been especially "surprised" at Godfrey's actions because they came

after she'd been issued a dire warning that foreign entities were

aggressively targeting State Department officials' personal, unsecure

email accounts. But lest you need reminding, Hillary Clinton exclusively

used such accounts to conduct all of her official business -- via an

improper, unsecure, private server -- before and after this urgent

red flag was brought to her attention.

(2) "Clinton...has repeatedly maintained that she did not send or

receive classified material on her personal account."  This assertion

has been disproven by the more than 1,000 classified emails

discovered on her private server, including 66 additions from this

batch alone.  Her myriad excuses for this have been debunked

piece by piece.

(3) Her final justification -- which is legally irrelevant, as Hillary

herself has personally attested -- is that none of the sensitive

material that she wrongfully transmitted through her unsecure

server was "marked classified" at the time.  Again, this is meaningless,

especially when it comes to highly secret material that she was

obligated to recognize and protect as soon as it was produced. 

But the email chain referenced above includes an instruction

from Hillary Clinton to a State Department aide (who now

works on her campaign) to strip classified information --

it remains redacted to this day -- of its classified markings

["identifying heading"] and "send nonsecure.
If this is as bad as it looks, Democrats may find themselves voting for an open 
socialist in Bernie Sanders for president. You know, that guy who said "The
 American people are sick and tired of hearing about" Hillary's emails. 

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
 Source: AAN
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