Thursday, January 28, 2016

Is The Noose Tightening Around Hillary?

If nominated, Clinton may have to campaign in handcuffs in the general election

If Hillary Clinton manages to become the Democratic presidential nominee, she’ll likely be forced to juggle campaigning for the general election with an indictment for her handling of sensitive government emails as Secretary of State.
That’s according to former FBI officials who say the agency will likely decide whether Clinton and her top aids will face charges just as the general election heats up.
“I don’t know that there’s any magical cutoff date,” Ron Hosko, the FBI’s former assistant director of the criminal investigative division, told The Hill of the likelihood that charges could come during the general election.
Clinton has been under investigation for the past six months. And the agency has made no secret that it isn’t taking the investigation lightly.
Former FBI agent Timothy Gill explained how the agency is using the law to pursue charges against Clinton in a November interview withFox News, saying: “This is a broad, brush statute that punishes individuals who are not direct and fulsome in their answers.
“It is a cover-all. The problem for a defendant is when their statements cause the bureau to expend more time, energy, resources to de-conflict their statements with the evidence,” he said.
Around the same time, an agency source told Fox that investigators are “busting ass” to determine whether the former top diplomat is guilty of covering up her “gross negligence” in handling sensitive national security matters via an unsecured email account.
And in a more recent interview with Newsmax TV, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay said his sources in the agency are saying a Clinton indictment is inevitable.
“They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” he said.
Fox legal expert Judge Andrew Napolitano also contends that Clinton’s actions will soon catch up with her.
“It seems that every week, more information comes to light about Clinton’s grave legal woes. Her worries are in two broad categories: One is her well-documented failure to safeguard state secrets and the other is her probable use of her position as secretary of state to advance financially her husband’s charitable foundation,” he said.
Napolitano has also said it would be “hard to believe” the FBI can avoid indicting Clinton.

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