Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Name Another Religion That Its Believers Bleed Each Year

SHARIA Is HERE – Look At This Barbaric Practice Involving CHILDREN



Most have heard by now of the newly muslim majority American city – Hamtramck, Michigan. But have you heard of Lilburn, Georgia located about 15 miles outside of Atlanta? Lilburn is a growing hotbed of Shi’ite muslim insanity. No, radical ISIS members have not taken up base there; but regular ol’ Islam practicing muslims have.  It is also home to four Islamic facilities and each facility has been a problem for city officials and non-muslim residents.  The facilities refuse to abide by zoning laws and local residents feel they have to have round-the-clock patrols to keep them safe from the influx of muslims. The city has now been nicknamed, Lilburnastan, due to the deterioration at the hands of the muslim immigrants.
Then there is this. The annual celebration of Ashura is taking place in Lilburn. Ashura is a muslim festival marking the death of Caliph Hussein bin Ali, the grandson of Mohammad. This grandson of Mohammad is said to have feuded with a nephew of Mohammad which resulted in Ali’s death, 1300 years ago. That death was the beginning of the feud between Shi’ite muslims and Sunni muslims and is now celebrated in one of the most horrific ways possible. Shi’ite muslims believe that Ali was a martyr, thus the celebration and long conflict with Sunnis.
islam muslim
-Celebrating in Iraq-
islam muslim
-Celebrating in Iraq-
Adult Shi’ite muslims celebrate Ashura through self-mutilation using knives, chains and flails.  Since babies are incapable of inflicting such barbaric pain upon themselves, the adult men take knives to their heads and slash them drawing blood, enough to run down their little innocent faces while they scream out in pain. Ashura is celebrated here in the United States of America every year!
Islam Muslim Children Abuse
-Ashura in India-
Islam Muslim Children Abuse
-Ashura in India-
-Ashura in India-


Here is a video of what appears to be possessed adult men beating themselves – inLilburn, Georgia. Barbaric, to say the least.

Ashura in St. Louis, MO
Ashura in Detroit, MI
Ashura in New York City, NY

Ashura in Lincoln, NE
Islam Muslim
-Ashura in India-
While this practice is common in middle eastern muslim countries, the fact that this is happening here in the United States now should worry everyone!  These people have no plan to assimilate in this country. They are bringing their ideology along with their barbaric practices and Sharia law to YOUR neighborhood. Again, these are not radicalized ISIS members (well, not that we are aware of yet).
With our current president who said he will side with Islam no matter what and is on a fast track to bring in more muslims, this IS going to get WORSE.  Do we really want this ideology HERE?

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