Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Newsweek Reporter Illustrates Media Bias Against Conservatives.

A Newsweek journalist is coming under fire after posting, and then deleting on Wednesday, a tweet suggesting Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz and his supporters are Nazis.
Alexander Nazaryan, a senior writer for Newsweek, tweeted a message stating, “Ted Cruz has a strong ground game in Iowa.” The photo attached to the message showed a legion of marching Nazis carrying swastika flags.
On his Twitter page, Nazaryan makes no secret of his personal political views about the Texas senator and other Republicans in this year’s campaign for the White House.

“Ted Cruz is an atrocity of a human being,” Nazaryan tweeted. This message was not deleted.
Other messages still on his page include:
  • “Donald Trump becoming President would be the worst thing to befall America since True Detective, Season Two.”
  • “It’s time to shame not only Donald Trump, but those among his supporters who are openly bigoted and racist.”
  • “Is there some sort of rule that to be a patriot you also have to be an a–hole?”
newsweek-patriot-asshole-tweet-censoredNazaryan also took on a tone that some might say sounds demonic, proclaiming: “I’m looking forward to World War III.”
Radio host Rush Limbaugh took notice of Nazaryan’s tweet tying Cruz and his backers to Nazis, calling it “a shining example” of bias, prejudice and hate the media have for the conservative Republican. He said any apology would be “transparent and phony.”
“This is what they think,” said Limbaugh. “This is who they think Ted Cruz and his supporters are. They really do. They think they’re trying to be funny with this. But there will not be any punishment, there will not be any admonition. …
“Nothing’s gonna happen to Mr. Nazaryan, and privately he’s gonna be hailed and applauded and feted and celebrated for having the guts to show everybody what Cruz is really all about. Privately, he will receive accolades and pats on the back for having the courage to do this. Because this IS what they think.”
Newsweek’s editor-in-chief, Jim Impoco, issued a statement on the controversy, telling the Washington Examiner: “I would like to express on behalf of Newsweek our disappointment that this occurred and reiterate that this does not align with our editorial values.”
After Nazaryan deleted the Nazi photo and message about Cruz, the writer proffered his own explanation of sorts, saying: “I deleted my tweet calling Ted Cruz a Nazi. Not fair to his totally decent supporters, as much as I dislike the man himself.”
A critic then asked the Newsweek writer, “Explain why you should even keep your job when you clearly are unable behave ethically in your profession.”
“Because part of my job is having opinions,” responded Nazaryan. “One opinion I have is that Ted Cruz would be a very bad president.”
Commenters on Twitter have been pummeling Nazaryan over his brazen opinion, with tweets including:
  • And at what point does equating Cruz with Hitler not cross every line of decency?
  • “Very bad president” is different than “he’d be just like the guy who murdered all your relatives,” jackass
  • “Bad president” in this liberal’s mind is equivalent to murdering millions of people and starting a world war.
  • Please explain how Cruz is a Nazi when your party sympathizes and advocates for the destruction of Israel. A–.
  • Thinking he’s a Nazi isn’t an opinion. It’s a delusion. Seek psychiatric help
  • See also – why was Newsweek sold for $1?


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