Sunday, January 31, 2016

Of Course Hillary Knows Exactly The Type Of Cad She Is Married To

Juanita Broderrick Reveals What Hillary Said After Bill Assaulted Her


January 25th, 2016
Hillary Clinton has recently stressed that women should always be believed after a sexual assault, but then treats the accusers rudely when it comes to her husband, Bill, and continues to defend him against a flood of sexual assault accusations.
In a recent interview with “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick recently came forward to talk about her experience with Hillary after allegedly being raped by Bill Clinton.
After avoiding Bill Clinton for weeks, and blaming herself for what happened, she attended a private Clinton fundraiser where she ran into Hillary and Bill.

Then after she saw her, Bill turned and went another way, but Hillary headed straight for Ms. Broaddrick.
Juanita recalled (as reported by Conservative Tribune):
“And so then about that time, I see them coming through the kitchen area. And some people there are pointing to me. He goes one direction and she comes directly to me. Then panic sort of started to set in with me. And I thought, ‘Oh my God, what do I do now?'”
Hillary came up to her and said it was nice to meet her, and all the other pleasantries that people say to each other even when they don’t mean it.
Then things got weird.
“And (Hillary) said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there, Aaron. I was sort of you might say shell-shocked.’
“And she (Hillary) said, ‘Do you understand? Everything you do.’ She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls, ‘I can’t take this. I’m leaving.’ So I immediately left.”
Broaddrick stated that her encounter with Hillary made her believe that Hillary knew everything that was going on and was telling Broaddrick to keep her mouth shut.
She added:
“What really went through my mind at that time is, ‘She (Hillary) knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.'”
If this story is true, it is utterly horrifying. We already know that Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt politicians to ever run for office in this country, but this is absolutely appalling.
Do you believe Juanita Broaddrick’s story? 

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