Saturday, January 30, 2016

Should Have Trump Demanded Contribution?

Americans Furious After They Learn The 1 Condition Fox Refused For Trump to Attend Debate


Prior to the final GOP primary debate last night, Fox News refused an opportunity to rectify its beef with 2016 GOP presidential Donald Trump, who had decided earlier in the week not to attend the debate unless the network replaced moderator Megyn Kelly with someone else.
“Trump offered to appear at the debate upon the condition that Fox News contribute $5 million to his charities,” Fox News explained in a statement released earlier that evening. “We explained that was not possible and we could not engage in a quid pro quo, nor could any money change hands for any reason.”
When news of this briefing hit mainstream Americas via a tweet by ABC News, the backlash was both immediate and fierce.
“He gives his money to vets,” tweeted one frustrated American. “Fox makes million$ from trump, but they couldn’t pass any on. Shameful.”
The backlash was likely fueled by two things. First, Fox News refused to donate money to veterans, though the network’s point about quid pro quo and ethics in general was in fact legitimate.
Second, according to The Hill, a day earlier Fox News host Bill O’Reilly pretty much begged Trump to appear at the final debate. But when the network finally had the chance to get him in there, it refused, so instead of showing up at the debate, Trump hosted a veterans event to raise money for all the veterans in need.

Fox News was right to stick to its guns, as money changing hands in any way to ensure the appearance of a candidate at any function is questionable, at best. Can anyone say, “The Clinton Foundation”?
Unfortunately, as a result, a lot of Americans are angry at the outcome.
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