Sunday, January 31, 2016

Should Muslims Be Allowed To Assault Women Because They Don't Understand?


Nightclub Manager Under Fire For Banning Muslims… Here’s His EPIC Response

A Danish nightclub boss who recently decided to ban all non-Danish, English or German-speaking migrants has been under fire from critics for targeting Muslims and could possibly face prosecution.
Tom Holden Jensen, the Buddy Holly club manager, made the decision after several incidents involving migrants from Syria and Afghanistan inappropriately touching female club-goers.
The decision could lead to Jensen spending as long as six months behind bars for violating Denmark’s racial discrimination laws, but the club manager said he would rather go to jail than back down — because “they (the migrants) need to learn a smile isn’t an invitation for sex.”

Jensen said that several women reported feeling threatened and intimidated by sexually aggressive migrant men who groped and “raped them with hands” on the dance floor of the Søenderborg club, according to the U.K. Daily Mail.
The incidents were worsened by the fact that none of these migrant men could speak Danish, English or German, so security could not explain to the men that their actions were inappropriate and not allowed at the club.
Thus, Jensen determined the best way to protect his female customers was to ban any man who could not speak his languages.

“The challenge we face is that we can’t communicate with refugees, they don’t understand what I am saying at all,” Jensen explained.
Jensen stands by the policy from a business standpoint.
“We reserve the right to operate our business as we have done all the years, also before there was a war in Syria, and we intend to continue that also after the war ends,” he said. “And if someone thinks differently they are welcome to try it in court.”
Security staff complained to Jensen that they couldn’t control the migrant men’s inappropriate behavior because the Muslim migrants believe a woman smiling is an invitation for sex — an idea that is clearly not in line with sexual etiquette in Denmark … or the rest of the civilized world.

“We have experienced episodes where Syrians have danced too close to women, occasions when they have put their hands on their bottoms,” Jensen told the Daily Mail. “They continued to do so even though the women told them to stop and leave them.”
Jensen explained that if they can’t verbally explain to these men that their behavior is inappropriate, the confrontation could get physical — something Jensen would rather avoid by simply banning these men from the establishment altogether.
Some critics have called Jensen “racist,” but they ignore the fact that this problem is not isolated to just the Buddy Holly club.
The Den Flyvende Hollender (“The Flying Dutchman”) has had similar problems with migrant men, and the owner decided that banning them was the right solution.
“A large number of men who come from the asylum centre have a very hard time respecting the opposite sex,” owner Glenn Hollender explained.
That’s because in radical Islamic cultures from which many of these Muslims come, rape and sexual dominance of women is common and even encouraged.
The problem is only going to get worse as thousands of Muslims from Syria continue to pour into European countries as “refugees” and refuse to assimilate — especially when it comes to sexual etiquette.
The club owners should be able to protect their customers against sexual assault without fear of being put in jail, and these migrants need to know that their behavior is not appropriate, nor will it be condoned.
Hopefully, the courts will agree.
Do you think nightclub owners should be able to ban customers who don’t speak the language? Like and share on Facebook and Twitter and let us know.
Do you agree that banning all who don’t speak the language is appropriate?

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