Friday, January 15, 2016

The More We Find Out About Obama, The More We Despise Him

A Ghost From Obama’s Past Just Surfaced And Exposed His Disturbing Gun Secret- The Truth Is Out…

"The president forcefully claimed..."

President Obama has made a point of citing his respect for the Second Amendment as he has issued an executive order to implement new restrictions on gun ownership in America. However, long before Obama was campaigning against gun rights as president, he had made his position clear.
Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, recently contrasted Obama’s 2016 rhetoric with Obama’s past record on guns and found a striking difference.
“The president forcefully claimed: ‘I respect the Second Amendment; I respect the right to bear arms; I respect people who want a gun for self-protection,'” Lott noted of last week’s CNN Town Hall on guns.

“Well, here’s another quote: ‘I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.’ That’s what Obama told me when we were colleagues at the University of Chicago Law School in 1996,” Lott wrote.
“Obama has also publicly supported a nationwide “‘ban (on) the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns” as well as banning “the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons,” Lott wrote. These last positions were taken in a 1996 survey filled out by the Obama campaign when he was running for the Illinois state Senate.
One commentator said Obama’s deep-seated opposition to guns will manifest itself both directly and indirectly.

“The fact that the President, unable to obtain an extensive ban on gun ownership through the powers of Congress, might suggest or mandate policies which drive up the price of weapons and ammunition is a feature, not a bug. It’s part and parcel of the overall strategy of Democrats at all levels in the current era,”wrote Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw.
“Banning gun ownership is tremendously unpopular and can cost vulnerable Democrats their seats so they seek other approaches which are a bit more below the radar. … If the President is talking about respect for gun rights and then discussing changes to the system in the next breath, you can rest assured that the price of weapons and ammunition is going to be heading upward,” Shaw wrote.
h/t: Hot Air

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