Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Trump Maturing Into A Real Viable Candidate

Trump: Hillary Doesn't Have the 'Strength or Stamina' to Be President

("Morning Joe")
By Sandy Fitzgerald   |   Wednesday, 06 Jan 2016 08:20 AM
GOP front-runner Donald Trump — in an extensive interview that MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said afterward was more "focused" as the real estate mogul becomes a more experienced candidate — on Wednesday tackled a wide variety of topics, including the question of whether potential foe Hillary Clinton has the "stamina" to be president.

"I'm up by a lot and want to get along with everybody," Trump told Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski in the pre-recorded interview airing on the "Morning Joe" program Wednesday. 
"I would like to, believe it or not, unify the Republican [Party]."

But still, he didn't hesitate to take on the candidates he says are his friends, including, in particular, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

With Cruz, Trump brought up the issue of his birth in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban-exile father.

"I guess everybody's talking about it now that he's doing better. It's a problem for him and a problem for the Republicans," said Trump. "Let's say he got a nomination and the Democrats bring suit. The suit takes two to three years to solve. It's a concern for the party. I hope that's not the case. I'm not involved in that. A lot of people are bringing it up, absolutely."

And on Christie, who compared Trump to a "carnival barker" on Tuesday: "First of all, the carnival, you shouldn't copy from other people. That was Barack Obama and he thought that was clever. Obviously, it hasn't worked out."
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But many of the candidates, he said, are not attacking him "because they're intelligent people and looking at my track record and it's been good. The people that have attacked me are no longer here or down to zero in the polls or like Jeb Bush."

And on Clinton: "She doesn't have the strength or stamina . . . as secretary of state she was a disaster. She traveled a lot. What does she do on the plane? Sleep? It's not that hard to do if you're traveling on a beautiful United States plane. Hillary doesn't have the strength or stamina to take on our enemies."

When it comes to Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, Trump defended his attacks on the former leader's history of sex scandals because his wife attacked him for being a "sexist."

"All I did was revisit history," said Trump. "He lost his law license, he was impeached and wasn't allowed to practice law and settled for a tremendous amount of money. There's a lot of things going on there and she calls me sexist. "

Turning to foreign policy, Trump said he would stand with Saudi Arabia over Iran in the ongoing dissention between the two countries, but he'd make the wealthy nation pay for U.S. support.
"We're a debtor nation," said Trump. "They got nothing but money. They were making a billion dollars a year before the oil went down. Now they're making half. Big deal. We're losing money because we're run by people who don't have a clue.

"I wouldn't back them for nothing. I would say you got to pay. You got to pay. They'll pay. But you got to ask them. You got to ask them the right way."
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