Monday, February 29, 2016

Are Things This Good For Trump? If He Can Win In New York City, He Should Be Able To Win Anywhere!

Trumpmentum: The New Poll That 

Should Terrify Hillary

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Republicans have not been competitive in New York for quite some time. In 2004,
 only three years after 9/11, eventual loser John Kerry beat George W. Bush by 
18 points. In his two terms, Barack Obama easily eclipsed 60 percent of the vote, 
notably pounding Mitt Romney in the Empire State by over 30 points. In any 
election, New York represents a reliable 29 electoral votes for Democrats.

Well, in any other election. Enter Trump:
Confidential polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose the presidential

election in heavily Democratic New York to Donald Trump as the GOP

front-runner’s support grows to the point of being “surprisingly strong,”

The Post has learned.

The poll results, from Democratic and Republican legislative races, have

surprised many leading Dems, virtually all of whom have endorsed Clinton,

while confounding and energizing GOP leaders, many of whom until recently

have been opposed to Trump.

“There are some Democrats who think that Hillary can be taken if Trump

mounts a strong campaign,’’ one of the state’s most prominent Democrats said.

Most of the polling didn’t address the possibility that former Mayor Michael

Bloomberg would run as an independent, but some of it did — and found the

former mayor took “significant’’ votes away from Clinton in heavily Democratic

New York City and the surrounding suburbs, a source familiar with the data


The new polls, a second source said, showed Trump’s support, even without

Bloomberg in the race, was “surprisingly strong’’ in Westchester and on Long

Island, the key suburbs often viewed as crucial swing bellwethers on how

statewide elections will turn out.
This is absolutely critical. If Hillary loses New York, it's a sure sign that Trump
 is resonating with Democrats to such a degree that this election might be a
 Source: American Action News
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