Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bernie Wants A Ban On All Firearms Not Used To Kill People. We Wish We Knew What Type Of Gun That Would Be! All Guns Can Be Used To Kill! Really Dumb


January 28th, 2016
There goes crazy Uncle Bernie again. On a recent interview with NBC’s Meet the Press, he said something else that was really wacky and totally un-Constitutional – especially when it comes to Americans’ 2nd Amendment rights.
Here are some of the remarks from this astounding interview as reported by We The Vigilant:
“… we need to make sure that certain types of guns used to kill people, exclusively, not for hunting, they should not be sold in the United States of America.
“Coming from a rural state, I think I can communicate with folks coming from urban states where guns mean different things than they do in Vermont where it’s used for hunting.”
Note to Bernie and his “Feel the Bern” supporters: Calling for a ban on all firearms “used to kill people” and “not for hunting” implies a ban on all guns – period. 
For all intents and purposes, that’s a complete repeal of the 2nd Amendment. 
Sanders also went on the show January 17th and touted his vote to ban assault weapons back in 1988. He claimed to have rethought certain aspects of that legislation but never rescinded his viewpoint on banning firearms.
The “inconvenient truth” that Sanders and other liberals overlook is that Americans have bought 170 million new guns since 1991 and the crime rate has decreased 51%. And gun control has failed in cities like Chicago, where someone is shot on average every three hours.
Do you think Sanders is trying to appeal to his liberal base, or does he really believe that all “guns that kill people” should be banned?

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