Monday, February 29, 2016

Cruz Loses Out On Important Endorsement

Key Ally Stabs Ted Cruz in the Back

  • 02/29/2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
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Ted Cruz has spent his time in the Senate as a zealot advocate for religious
freedom. When the Hobby Lobby decision came down, Ted Cruz took to
his Facebook to post the following:

A tremendous victory, not only for Hobby Lobby, but for all those being forced

to violate their deeply held convictions as a result of this Administration's

assault on religious liberty.
You would think that those who most cherish religious liberty would back
Cruz as their candidate. You'd be wrong. On Saturday, David Green, the
founder and CEO of the popular chain, endorsed Marco Rubio:
“Our family business that we began with $600 has quite possibly been more

successful than Mr. Trump’s, but that doesn’t make either of us qualified to

be president. And unlike Mr. Trump, we give all the credit to God. Marco

Rubio has impressed us with his preparation and the way he carries himself.

But most importantly, Marco regularly exhibits humility and gives the glory

to God. Humility is what brings success. I don’t see humility in Mr. Trump,

and that scares me to death. I want a president that my kids, my grandkids

and my great-grandkids can emulate. In Marco Rubio, I see a man who has

achieved great things from humble beginnings, but gives the glory to God,

where it belongs. I see a man who is prepared to be president, and someone

I would be proud for my children to emulate. I will be voting for Marco Rubio

on Tuesday and I encourage my fellow Oklahomans to do the same,” Green

said in a statement.
This is a major endorsement for Rubio, but it's an even larger loss for Cruz.
 If religious conservatives believe that Marco Rubio is the candidate that
has the best chance to win, then Cruz's candidacy ceases to be relevant. 
 Source: AAN
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