Friday, February 5, 2016

Does Jeb Not Understand What His Father Meant By "New World Order" Or Is He Hiding Something?

George Herbert Walker Bush was the first president to popularize the idea of creating a multinational 'new world order' following the first invasion of Iraq in 1991.
George Herbert Walker Bush was the first president to popularize the idea of creating a multinational ‘new world order’ following the first invasion of Iraq in 1991.
Jeb Bush found himself in the awkward position of having to answer for his father’s legendary statements on the need to create a “new world order.”
The topic was raised by a questioner at a town-hall meeting in Laconia, New Hampshire, Wednesday where Bush was campaigning for next week’s GOP primary.
A man stood up and asked the former Florida governor: “Your father spoke of a new world order. If elected, specifically, how will you continue to move the country toward this goal?”
Bush seemed taken aback, stumbling over his words and, at first, refusing to answer the question.
“I don’t know. I don’t have any intention to, uh, lead… I don’t know what that means to you so I’m not going to answer it. It makes me nervous to… It might mean something different to you than it means to me.”
But he quickly found his footing and provided a long, rambling explanation of national security and the importance of the United States staying “engaged” in the world.
“I believe that the priority of the president of the United States is to keep us safe. Period. Over and out,” he said. “And the way you do that is by leading in the world, by engaging the world.”
Watch Jeb Bush answer a New Hampshire voter’s question about the “new world order’:
"We can't build walls around to protect us from all the goings on around the world," he continued. "We have to engage. And today in America, today in the world, our friends no longer think we have their back. And our enemies no longer fear us. And so we have more insecurity than we had before. I think if you look at the lessons of history, when the United States is engaged, building alliances, like NATO, building the support through the OCEAN countries for example. Making sure people know that it's in our security interests, for our engagement, that we're doing this for our security but we're going to be there consistently.
"If that's the new world order, I'm all for it. I don't know. Tell me what you mean by it."
The man restated his question about Bush's father but his words cannot be heard on the video because he was not given a microphone.
Jeb Bush responded:
"Well what he (the first President Bush) said was the end of, the fall of, the Soviet Union, which he managed magnificently, created this new world order where the United States needed to stay engaged, needed to stay involved. And when we're involved we create more security. I'm for that. That means, for example, that the next president needs to re-establish the iron-clad relationship with Israel. Iron clad. Take it to the bank. No gap between us. Shoulder to shoulder. Why is that important for us? It's important because Israel is our strongest ally of course, in the Middle East. It's also important because the Arab world, when they see the disruption of the Israel-U.S. relationship, they say, 'We're not going to be able to get a deal. If Israel can't get a deal, you know, with the U.S., how can we do it?'"
But a closer look at the first President Bush's famous "new world order" speech seems to go well beyond his son's understanding of the term, or at least his recollection or willingness to repeat the terms of this new international order.
So, what exactly did Jeb's father say about this controversial topic?
Here is President George Herbert Walker Bush speaking from the Oval Office on Jan. 16, 1991, about his now-famous "new world order."
"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order. An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders."
Watch video of President George H.W. Bush defining his vision of the coveted "new world order."
President Clinton also spoke repeatedly of the new world order, and even Jeb's brother, President George W. Bush, referred to it. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has talked incessantly of creating a new world order.
But for Jeb Bush, the term made him "nervous" and he proceeded to give a long-winded answer that avoided difficult issues like how much sway the United Nations should be given over U.S. foreign and domestic policy.
He focused instead on the need to cultivate close relations with allies and to rebuke enemies like Iran but avoided the sticky issue of which entity should serve as the primary mechanism for implementing the new world order – the U.S., the U.N. or some other body?
Jeb never mentioned the U.N., its founders or financial backers. If he had, it would have required him to talk about some questionable characters, such as the globalist Rockefeller family that donated the real estate for the United Nations in New York City, or British eugenicist and Planned Parenthood supporter Julian Huxley, who was instrumental in the creation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or UNESCO.
It is this organization, UNESCO, that provided the bedrock principles for the Common Core educational standards that Jeb Bush has enthusiastically supported.
He might have also mentioned the United Nations' Agenda 2030 manifesto that was approved by world leaders in September. This document goes into great detail on the importance of open borders and the rights of migrants, which Jeb has also enthusiastically supported.
The Agenda 2030 document lists 17 goals that are to be met by 2030.
Goal No. 10 is to “reduce inequality within and among countries,” with the buzzword “inequality” being a euphemism for wealth redistribution.
The document states that one of the ways to achieve the U.N.’s desired equality is to, “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.”
In other words, every impoverished person living in an undeveloped Third World country has the right under this U.N. document to migrate to a developed country.
Goal No. 16 goes a step further calling for “peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development” and providing access to justice for all. One of the methods listed as critical for the achievement of this goal is to “provide legal identity for all, including birth registration” of all babies.
Jeb Bush did mention Russia's "invasion of Ukraine" and the allowing of ISIS to create a caliphate as events that would have been dealt with "quietly" with a "big stick," under his leadership, as opposed to with Obama's "grandiose language" and then doing nothing.
"When we don't confront the ambitions of Iran but give the perception that we're changing teams and now are supportive more of Iran than we are of the Sunni Arab nations, that creates massive instability in the world," Jeb Bush said in New Hampshire Wednesday. "We need to get back in the game to say, 'We have your back. We're not the world's policemen but we have your back, because it's in our security interests that you have stability.' "
Copyright 2016 WND


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