Saturday, February 27, 2016

Is Vicente Fox Correct? Is Trump A New Version Of Hitler?

Vicente Fox Escalates Trump Feud: 'Reminds Me of Hitler'

Image: Vicente Fox Escalates Trump Feud: 'Reminds Me of Hitler'(AP)
By Cathy Burke   |   Saturday, 27 Feb 2016 07:10 AM
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox is ramping up his criticism of Donald Trump, saying the GOP front-runner's campaign rhetoric reminds him of Adolf Hitler.

"He said he was going to bring America to what it was? That's crazy,"Fox said in a phone interview on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" on Friday night.
"Today, he's going to take that nation [United States] back to the old days of conflict, war and everything. I mean, he reminds me of Hitler. That's the way he started speaking."

"He's behaving very very very poorly," he added.

Fox said Trump has "offended everybody."

"He has offended Mexico, Mexicans, [and] immigrants," Fox said. "He has offended the Pope. He has offended the Chinese."

The tirade comes a day after Fox dropped the F-bomb in response to Trump's vow that he will make Mexico pay for a wall between the Mexico-U.S. border.

"I will speak to him," Fox tells Cooper. ""No apologies."
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