Thursday, February 4, 2016

Obama Is A Muslim Regardless Of His Protestations

You Won't Believe What
President Obama Said
About Muslims

  • Feb 4, 2016 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: AAN Staff
President Obama made a condescending 
appeal to religious Americans that showcased 
he doesn't know the first thing about religion.
 As Townhall notes:
A day after visiting a mosque in

Baltimore, President Obama spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast on

Thursday morning. He shared observations from his trip, which he said

was meant to “let our Muslim American brothers and sisters know they

too are Americans.”

The president shared a quick story about one Muslim he met who told

him he was hesitant to pray after the San Bernardino attacks out of fear

for unwanted attention. However, not wanting to give his child the wrong

impression that fear will consume their lives, this Muslim man “put down

his rug and he prayed.” That, Obama suggested, is the kind of courage

all Americans need to have when practicing their religion.

The president’s speech was full of this overarching theme of faith over

fear. He offered moving remarks about how his own faith has guided

him and thanked God for Pastor Saeed Abedini’s long overdue return

from Iran.

Yet, it was hard to overlook the political undertones permeating the

president’s remarks.

“Fear does funny things,” he said. “Fear can lead us to lash out at those

who are different. Or get some sinister other under control.

He likened this fear to selfish impulses.

“If we let it consume us, the consequences of that fear can be worse

than any outward threat.”

“Faith,” he said, is “the great cure for fear.” “Jesus is a good cure for fear.”
Got that. "Faith" is lining up behind whatever policy President Obama decides is 
Christian. This is the theology of a man who thinks Christianity is an affront to reason, 
something folks cling to when they can't fathom the infinite wisdom of progressive ideas.

This is the false binary he's offering us. You can either be a true Christian and blindly
 support the unvetted entry of thousands of immigrants who are openly hostile to 
Christianity in this country, or you can be irrational and afraid, and in defiance of God.

Suddenly, his claims that he didn't pay attention to anything that was being said in 
church for the better part of a decade seem true.

 Source: AAN
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