Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Fix Is In Dem Leadership WANTS Hillary. Now We Will See What Obama Does.

UK Newspaper Drops Bombshell on What Democrats Did With Iowa Caucus Votes


February 12th, 2016
report from the UK Guardian stated that the Iowa Democratic Party unilaterally changed the results from Monday’s Iowa caucus to award an extra delegate to Hillary Clinton at the expense of Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders.
The discrepancy came in Grinnell Ward 1, a ward that contains prestigious liberal arts school Grinnell College. Unsurprisingly, Sanders cleaned up, scoring 19 delegates to Hillary’s seven in the heavily student-influenced district.
However, instead of keeping the results the way they were, party officials instead decided to change the results to give one delegate unilaterally to Hillary Clinton from Bernie Sanders’ count. However, precinct secretary J. Pablo Silva was not notified by the Iowa Democrat Party.
Here’s the response from Sam Lau, spokesman for the Iowa Democrat Party:
“We had been made aware of the concerns in this precinct, and we are in the process of reveiwing them with local party leadership. We have received a small amount of flags from both the Sanders and Clinton campaigns, and we are addressing each on a case-by-case basis working with our county leaders.”
If this all sounds suspicious, well, it hardly registered on a night where delegates were decided by coin tosses and caucus-goers mysteriously went missing. However, the delegate swap would be the most tangible evidence of shenanigans on the part of the Iowa Democrat Party.
That, and the “HRC 2016″ license plates on the car of the party chair.
Given the Clintons’ corrupt political history this seems par for the course. It looks like the Democratic establishment wants to ensure that Hillary is the nominee – no matter what the voters say.
Do you think that “the fix is in” when it comes to the Democratic nomination process?

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