Monday, February 29, 2016

There Should Be A Probe Into The Death Of Scalia


February 24th, 2016
With confirmation that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead Saturday morning with a pillow over his head and his clothes unwrinkled, nationally syndicated talk-radio host Michael Savage called for an investigation into Scalia’s death on the level of the presidentially-appointed probe into John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963.
Savage asked his listeners the question that’s on the mind of most conservatives in America today (as reported by World Net Daily):
Was [Scalia] murdered? We need a Warren Commission-like investigation. This is serious business.”
Savage also said an immediate autopsy of the body should have been done:
“There was no medical examiner present. There was no one who declared the death who was there. It was  done by telephone from a U.S. Marshal appointed by Obama himself.”
In an essay posted on his website, Savage asked what would happen if Donald Trump were in the White house in his final year and the justice was Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
“Do you think the left would be screaming that Donald Trump would have no right to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court? Do you think they would be demanding an autopsy and a full federal investigation?”
Savage went on about his doubts about the official story of Scalia’s death in an interview with GOP front-runner Donald Trump:
“We had a razor-thin savior of the conservative, or, shall I say traditional, ways in America, Antonin Scalia, who was found dead under suspicious circumstances. And now this character in the White House who nobody with a rational mind should trust is trying to railroad Loretta Lynch down our throats… as  his number one choice. Can you believe this?”
The timing and circumstances of Scalia’s passing are suspicious, to say the least. We don’t like to be this skeptical or cynical, but given the track record of the Obama Administration over the past seven-plus years, it wouldn’t surprise us if Scalia was killed on orders from powerful people in Washington D.C.
Do you think that Justice Scalia’s death was from natural causes… or was he murdered, as Michael Savage believes?

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