Monday, February 29, 2016

Trump May Have Issues But They Are Minor Compared With Hillary's

Hillary Already Building List of 'Trump Victims'

Image: Hillary Already Building List of 'Trump Victims' (Getty Images)
By Greg Richter   |   Sunday, 28 Feb 2016 07:11 PM
Super PACS supporting Hillary Clinton are likely already building up a list of people victimized by GOP front-runner Donald Trump and will not hesitate to use it in the general election, writes Washington Examiner columnist Timothy P. Carney.

"Democratic super PACs are already lining up Trump's victims for such a purpose, you can be totally sure," Carney writes. "That's why any poll numbers suggesting Trump can beat Hillary should be doubted — they don't take into account the brutal campaign Hillary will wage on Trump."
"There's a mountain of s*** the Democrats are going to dump on him if he is the nominee," he adds, quoting GOP operative Liz Mair.

At the top of the list, Carney says, will be Trump University, which is being sued by a group of former students who say they paid thousands of dollars to learn Trump's secrets to real estate success but came away empty-handed.

"You can bet Hillary's people are reaching out to every one of them," Carney said. "They will be the stars of super PAC ads. And all the working-class voters who feel like Trump is fighting for them will realize that Trump is playing them like he's played so many before."
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Trump's businesses have filed for bankruptcy four times, leaving other small businesses holding the bag, Carney said. In addition to the big banks that had to eat their losses, so did vendors, including vending machine maker Dixie-Narco, which lost half of the $6 million Trump's business owed it when the Taj Mahal casino went into bankrupty. Some of its change machines were also eturned.

Carney also cited the American workers who applied for jobs at Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, and were passed over for foreign workers.

Then there are those whose homes Trump tried to take through eminent domain. A New Jersey widow successfully fought Trump in the late 1990s.

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